Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

:Submission Fantasy:

Diana sits in front you, tantalisingly out of reach. Her voluptuous body draped in the nightie. Cleavage showing. A smile on her lips and 3 remote controls in her hands.She sets the control for the dildo to a slow chug, then flicks the switch for both bullets framing the tip of your cock. You groan a little, tensing against your bindings You bulge a little harder and the ribbon strapping down your cock feels tighter, pushing your penis more firmly against the bullets.

She flicks off the switch for the bullets and you breathe out. "My sissy girl is going to build her stamina!" You have a few seconds to rest before the bullets are turned on again.

The process repeats. With each round that your tip is buzzed, the vibrator in your ass is turned up a notch. Tingling your penis, thrusting your ass. Tingle and thrust. Tingle and thrust.

Your not sure how long you last, but there comes a point where the tingling isn't just external. You feel it inside your cock. You feel it inside your head. As the woman stares at you, playing with her controls, you involuntarily jerk and semen bulges through the gaps in the ribbon that ties your manhood, seeping out through the pores in the material.

The woman claps. "Not bad, not bad. I think you're going to go far. Now, get yourself ready because I've got some friends who would love to see you."

You have 1 choice:

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