Digging through the rubble takes some effort, as the stone yields little area to gain leverage. Eventually you open up an area over the pile, and with sore hands pull yourself through to the other side. Thankfully, there is only one way the group could have gone, as the hallway winds to the side, entirely without door or window. Making your way around the curve, you find yourself at a decision:
To the right, a staircase spirals immediately and sharply up, the faintest sounds of footsteps echoing down.
To the left, the hallway abruptly ends in a sheer white wall, a single green door left gently ajar.
« Go Back To the right, a staircase spirals immediately and sharply up, the faintest sounds of footsteps echoing down.
To the left, the hallway abruptly ends in a sheer white wall, a single green door left gently ajar.