Superheroes are Normal?

You decided that it might be best to use the time that you have to run over the combat maneuvers that August taught you today. You were behind most of the people in this school, so why not train your butt off to get better? It’s the only way to pull ahead at this rate.

You went over to a barren area that lacked people, and tried your best at refreshing your brain. You practiced your kick fluency, your dodging and blocking techniques, as well as different styles of counter-attacks. You were lucky that August was so knowledgeable in the fighting department due to his father training him. You wondered just why he really hated his father so much. Was it really that personal?

For the next hour, all you did was train on your techniques until you felt confident about them. Man, August will be so impressed tomorrow!

Soon after your post-training session, you took your shower in the dormitory, as well as unlocking your dorm room for the first time. It was a copy of everyone else’s room, but that just means that you have a lot of room to work with to make it unique and like home. You noticed that your luggage was already there in the room, figuring that faculty had moved it there.

You look at the clock, oh shoot! You’re gonna be late!

You have 1 choice:

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