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Experimental Factors

Sparky seems pretty cool. Sorta like a Pikachu, and you remember how well Pikachu gets along with Ash, so you choose Sparky.

Lilo hand you a green laptop. "This is Jumba's computer," she explains (Jumba is the creator of the Experiments), "It's got everything on Experiments, but it doesn't tell you when they've been activated."

"Activated?" you say, "What does that mean?"

Lilo sighs. "Look. When the Experiments came to Earth, they were in pods. When those pods get wet, the Experiment comes out and wreaks havoc."

"Sorta like a Pokeball," you say.

Lilo continues, "And you gotta watch out for Gantu. He's a big stinkyhead, and he tries to get the Experiments and send them off to Hamsterveil."

"And this is a bad thing because...?"

"Then, they'd never find the one true place where they belong!"

Stitch and Sparky walk into the room. Sparky's a lot cuter-looking than Lilo told you.

"Good luck!" Lilo shouts. She and Stitch run out the door.

Sparky leaps up onto your shoulder. "You ready to kick some bad-guy..."

Sparky slaps a paw over your mouth. "Uh-uh-uh!" he says.

"Oh, yeah," you say, "This page is G-Rated, isn't it?"

"Ih!" Sparky replies. 'Ih' is the Experiments way for saying 'Yes', while 'Naga' is their way of saying 'No'.

"Let's go save the world!" you say.
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