Soul Eater: The Meister Witch and the Weapon?

The time has come...The Battle between Serana and Draugr vs. Black 🌟 Star and Tsubaki was about to commence, right where it all started in the front of the school

Black 🌟 Star: Haha! The time has come! I can't wait to beat you both...And with Tsubaki on my side, nothing can stop us! Ready Tsubaki?!

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Oh! Uuuh...Yeah!...Right…

Serana Balaur: I guess this is it, huh Draugr?!

Draugr Askr: This fight was coming sooner or later...I'm ready!

SB: Me too!

B🌟S: Tsubaki! Chain Scythe mode!

TN: Right![Tsubaki transforms into her Chain Scythe mode]

SB: What a beautiful weapon form...Draugr...Hooked halberd!

DA: Got it![He transforms into a halberd with a wide, slanted axe blade, an arm length hook almost resembling a scythe, and a long, pointy and sharp pike-like spearhead, followed by a weighted and ringed bludgeoning weapon, on the other end of the 7ft, wooden aesthetic shaft]

B🌟S: Huh! Well isn't someone overcompensating…

Everyone: Ooooo…

DA:(Serana...Do me a favor and don't hold back against this kid…)

SB:[Twirling Draugr around in a blur of motion](Wouldn't even dream of it…)

B🌟S:[Charging at Serana with Tsubaki at the ready]*Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!*



[After clashing, Serana hit Black 🌟 Star with the weighted end in quick succession, sending the Assassin-Meister back]

B🌟S:[Rolling to his feet] Well well...Aren't you fast…

SB:[Holding Draugr in a ready position] Well...I did smash your record at the Obstacle Course…

B🌟S:[Upset] WHAT!?! By how much?!

SB: Over a minute...Honestly, seeing you move now is making me question if you really are an Assassin-Meister...My cousin can move faster than that...And she's in her nineties…

Mira Naigus:[To Sid] Who's her cousin?!

Captain Sid Barrett: I kid you not, the Queen of England…


Lord Death: Well I'll be! Didn't know that about her…

Cap SB: Lord Death! What are you doing out here!?

Spirit Albarn: We're here to see what the girl will do…[Shouting] COME ON BLACK 🌟 STAR!!! SHOW THOSE TWO WHO'S THE BETTER FIGHTER!!!

Cap SB&MN:[To Death] What's his deal?

LD: Funny you should ask! That Draugr boy used his eye to get into Spirit's head when they fought...Claiming to be Maka's boyfriend...Boy was he pissed!


LD: Death Chop!


[Spirit was sent down to the floor, bleeding from his head]

Watch your language, Spirit! This is an academy, not a sports stadium…

[After constantly clashing with each other, Black 🌟 Star knew that he had to change things up]

B🌟S: You're good, I'll give you that...For a princess…

SB: Everytime you call me "Princess" I'll hit you with my own hands and feet!

B🌟S:[Mocking] Ooo! I'm SO scared...The big, bad princess is gonna hurt me!

SB:[Growls] That's IT! This time I'll make sure you go into a coma![She charges at the Assassin]

SA: HA ha! She's running right into their trap!

B🌟S: Hehehe...Trap🌟Star!

[Serana was standing smack dab in the middle of the chain pentagram, which then closed in on her and Draugr]

DA:(Serana! Pole vault maneuver!)

SB:(Got it!)


[Draugr emitted a mysterious mist, acting like a smoke screen as the chains closed in]


[Black 🌟 Star sent his Soul wavelength through Tsubaki's chains with intent to do harm]


TN:(Black 🌟 Star...Something is wrong...They're not there!...[Distorting] Something is happening…)

B🌟S: Tsubaki...You're getting colder...And my wavelength attack is...Weakening…?

TN:([Distorted] Cold...So cold…*Shivers*...Why am I so cold!?)

B🌟S: Where the heck are those-



[Draugr landed right in front of Black 🌟 Star, staked to the ground, startling Black 🌟 Star so much that he drops Tsubaki's chain scythe form]

Here's pole punk...But where's…


[Turning his head back] Princess?!



SE: Holy cow! Atomic wedgie!

MA: Are those...Stars...On his underwear?

Ox Ford: Looks like…

Havar D. Eclair: I'm both afraid of, and aroused by her…

Kilik Rung: You're not the only one…

Fire:[Nods in agreement]

MA:[Sarcastic] Real classy guys…

Thunder:[Nods in disapproval]

SB:[After slamming Black 🌟 Star into Draugr] Draugr! Torturer's Stake Mode!

DA:(With pleasure…)

[Draugr transforms from his Hooked Halberd Mode to his Torturer's Stake Mode, which appears like a much thicker wooden shaft, more like a thick post]


B🌟S:[In pain] OW! That hurt! *Whauh!*

SB:[Lifting Black 🌟 Star up by his collar] Oh, when I'm done with you, you'll understand what true pain feels like…[She pushes Black 🌟 Star up against Draugr, whom which bound him with root-like tendrils]


B🌟S:[Coughing in pain] Death almighty, that hurt!


[Groaning] Those were ribs…


[Relching up spit and bile] You owe me dinner, Princess…


[Vomiting blood] Was it something I said?!


[Coughing and vomiting violently]

DA:[Biting back pain](Alright Serana...I don't think I can handle much more)

SB:(Sure thing, Draugr…)

TN:[Back in her human form. Emerging from the mist. Shivering] Black 🌟 Star! Are you alright?!

SB: Why don't you get back to Tsubaki, Black 🌟 Star...It looks like she misses you…

[Serana yanks Black 🌟 Star from Draugr and hurls him towards Tsubaki, causing them to tumble all the way into the center skull of the front of the academy]

[Removing Draugr from the ground] Draugr! Pulverizing Poleaxe Mode!

DA:(Got it!)
[Draugr transforms into a Poleaxe, A.K.A. a battleaxe, with a broad axe blade face and a hammering head on the other end]

B🌟S: Tsubaki...Isn't it weird that he keeps transforming like that?...Tsubaki?...Why are you squeezing me like this!?

TN:[Rubbing Black 🌟 Star in her clutch] Because...Whatever that mist was chilled me to the bone...And you're so warm…

B🌟S: The sun's still out! Get warmed up by it!

TN:[Getting up] Good point![Tsubaki twirled slowly in the sun's rays, being warmed up in its radiance. Relieved of the cold]*Ahhh*...Thank you Mr. Sun!

[The sun winks at Tsubaki]

B🌟S: TSUBAKI! FOCUS!...We need a way to beat them!

TN: Well...Draugr did skip out on Weapons Solo Training…

B🌟S: Really?! Now that you mentioned it, so did Serana…

TN: Maybe we should separate them?! Divide and conquer!?

B🌟S: Yeah...We'll give 'em a little one-on-one training…[Aloud] HEY! YOU TWO! Since you've both skipped out on Weapon and Meister training, me and Tsubaki will gladly give you both a hands on training session…

SB: Oh, really?!


[Serana embedded Draugr into the ground, causing a large fissure all the way between Black 🌟 Star and Tsubaki]

Well then...We accept…



[Serana threw Draugr in the middle of the half that Tsubaki stood on]

DA:[Transforming back to his human form] I'm ready when you are...Tsubaki Nakatsukasa…

TN: Oh, I'm ready!...Draugr Ash…


DA: That's not my last name…

TN: Oh! Right...Asher…

DA: Nope…

B🌟S: Tsubaki! Ask!

TN: Why would I ask?! I'll just embarrass myself!

B🌟S: No Tsubaki! Ask! His last name is Ask!

TN: Really!?[To Draugr] Your last name is Ask?

DA:[Frustrated] NO! ASKR!

TN:[Misunderstanding] Ask her? Who?! Serana?

B🌟S: Seriously!? What kind of idiot doesn't know what their own last name is?!

SB: Oh my lord...You idiots! His last name is Askr! A-S-K-R!

TN: Really?! That's your last name?! That's pretty odd for a last name…

B🌟S: What kind of last name is Askr anyways?!

DA: What kind of name is Nakatsukasa?! Or Star!? My last name is Nordic! So are we going to fight or what?!

B🌟S&TN: Okay…

[Tsubaki approaches Draugr in their designated battle ground, as did Serana and Black 🌟 Star into theirs]

SB:[To Black 🌟 Star] Tell you what, Black 🌟 Star...I'll let you get 7 free hits on me...To make things even…

B🌟S: What do you mean, "even"?!

SB: Well...There was that sneak attack that Draugr knocked you out with, then that sucker punch that I KO'd you with...Sorry by the way...And the five blows that I gave you earlier…

B🌟S: That's 6 more hits than I need…

DA:[To Tsubaki] Earlier, you said that you were ready...But are you really?!

TN: O-Of course I am! Are you?!

DA: I'm always ready...
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