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The Cursed Night

You are so thirsty, your mouth feels parched and hot, making it almost impossible to swallow your own saliva and erase that acid and degradable taste off your dry lips.

You perplex look at your unharmed naked body, laying down on the grass; there are no signs of the accident in the whole area, not even the damn caravan's wheel that caused all your bad fortune.

Thankfully, you can hear the calming river flowing in the distance. However, this strange dark mist, which it's as dense as squid ink, does not let you see anything more than a mysterious forest of crimson red weeping willows.

You try to catch the damp grass to calm your agony thirst, but the herbs dry and rot, as soon as your desperate lips touch them.

Alarmed, you speak to the disturbing blackness that surrounds you almost menacingly: "Hell! Is this a dream?"

A strange syllabling inhuman voice blasts throughout the area: "Parasites are killing everything they touch, Massacre the sacred land, defiling the purity of the river and mother heaven!"

You frightened reply to the voice: "Who are you? Show yourself."

"I am within you, I have saved you from death. You are my avatar and the key to my revenge over the white man."
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