Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Soul Eater: The Meister Witch and the Weapon?

Everyone: Hooray!

Lord Death: Splendid! Tell you what, I'll get the word out to all of your fellow students! Even the faculty should be a part of it! Get to know everyone personally!

Vlad Balaur: That would be excellent...In the meantime, I'll go to our palace in Bucharest and gather some help to set up this place for a party...Farewell everyone...I will return shortly…[Vlad III reenters the darkroom and vanishes in the ominous darkness]

LD: Huh...That's a neat trick...Before I go...Can I get some more of that "Transpaper" by any chance?

Serana Balaur: Oh! Of course!...Need it for some important messages or paraphernalia?!

LD: Can I be honest?!

[Everyone nods yes]

[Continues] I would like to use it to explore the outside world!...Ever since I've started the DWMA, I've never been able to step out of Death City without it falling apart!...Sooo...I have the ingenious idea of hiring an intern to travel the world on my behalf and delivering me mementos and meals from across the globe! Assuming that your Transpaper would work with my own mirror…

SB: It should work with any means of communications with visual formats...But if you'd rather me make you some Transboard or Transcanvas to more easily help you in your endeavor.

LD: You can do this with more than just paper?

Magnolia Balaur: That's right...Serana figured out that we could do it with virtually any organic-based materials...Not live one's I'm afraid...Souls can't travel by this means...Killing any living thing that attempts to do so...At least that's what our trials have shown...Don't worry, we've only tried it on lab rats and livestock...Fortunately, it also sterilizes anything that it transports…

LD: That's very useful to know!...

Bart the Bat: Hang on a minute…[Rummaging through his Magic Satchel] I know I have some rolls of it somewhere...Aha![He pulls out 4 rolls of canvas interwoven with the Transportation runes] Here you are! That'll be 4,000£...Wait, I'm sorry...that money's no good here...4,000USD!

MB&SB: Bart!

BB: What!? What'd I do!?

Draugr Askr: The helheim is wrong with you, bat-brains?! He's THE Lord Death! We're not in the Coven! We're in his city!

LD: It's alright…[Death hands over a fat stack of cash]

BB:[Counting the money] Thank you for, Skullface! What gives?! This isn't cash money!

LD: It's even better! Those are Death bucks! Accepted anywhere in Death City!

BB: Mmhmm, mmhmm...All I'm hearing is 'Useless everywhere else"...I don't accept monopoly money…


[Death chopped Bart straight on the head]

[Disoriented] You know what...Just take 'em...No charge…[He collapses]

LD: Thank you for your generosity...Oh! But before I go...I thought it would be a good time to tell you how to contact me whenever need be...Simply draw the numbers 42-42-564 on any reflective surface whenever you need to knock on my door!

Everyone: Knock on your door?!

LD: Oh, sorry...Just a little thing Spirit's daughter rhymes whenever she does it...Goodbye! See you all later tonight![Lord Death exits the home]

SB: Sooo...Now what?!

MB: Now, we go out and shopping spree to get me a dress fit for a queen!...I-I mean, get YOU a dress fit for a queen…

SB: That does sound awesome…[To Bart and Draugr] And what about you two?!

DA: There's gotta be a place to get some suits in this city...We'll go out and get ourselves dressed up and back here before you even notice…

BB: Please...By the time they're finished, they'll be fashionably late for their own party! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

SB:[Kishin eyes] Fly straight into the ceiling.



[Bart was forced to fly up to the ceiling without attempting to hang from it, hitting it straight on and falling down below]

DA: I hate it when you do that…

SB:[Normal] Well I hate it when you act like a smartass, so I guess we're even…

[The ladies exit the home to start their shopping]

BB: Come on...Let's get some monkey suits and be done with it…

[Draugr and Bart leave to get suits. After returning from acquiring some, they enter back the home around the same time as Dracula]

VB: Ah, good! You two are back first. I require your assistance.

DA: Of course.

BB: What do you need, batty-o?

VB: First off, never call me that again. Second, I need the help of you two to cast a large shadow on the house so I can do some expansion and renovations with my magic.

DA: You sure that's a good idea? This city is crawling with Meisters that would kill a Warlock like you at the drop of a hat…

VB: Do not worry...I can use my magic to mask my true nature very well…

BB: And what about masking your own magic?

VB: Fret not my winged friend...I'll simply use some illusion magic to disguise myself and the both of you for good measure…

DA: Fine…

BB: Let's get this over with…

[Draugr stretches his legs to make himself tower above everyone with his now stilts-like legs. Bart then grew himself to a giant bat form, perched himself on Draugr, and extended his now immense wingspan to cast an enormous shadow onto the three story home]

VB: Perfect you two! Now keep it like that for now...And I'll get to work…[Dracula used his powerful magic to reform and alter the house into a place fit for royalty] Well? What do you two think?

DA: It's too much…

VB: Too much?! Whatever do you mean?

BB: Oh, I don't know...Maybe he means that it's OVER TWICE THE SIZE OF THE DWMA ITSELF!

[The home was given so many floors that it dwarfed any structure in the city]

VB: You know what...I can see that I got carried away...Let me try again…[He changes it again] How about this?!

DA: Now it's too spacious…

VB: There's no such thing as too spacious!

BB: It is when the place is at least 500,000 square feet! We'll be lost in there!

VB: Okay, okay...Forgive me for going above and beyond for my little girl…[He changes it again] How about now?!

DA: It's pretty good...Only complaint is the pool…

VB: Seriously! What's wrong with the pool?!

DA: It's too damn big!

VB: Well I'M sorry that I want my daughter to be popular in school! With a pool like this, she can invite the whole academy to a pool party!

DA: More like the whole city…

BB: More like the whole darn state! The thing is like a lake! Maybe even a sea! And look at the water now! If you can find it, it isn't even ankle deep!

VB: FINE! Why don't you two just tell me what to do!?

DA&BB: Okay…

[As Draugr and Bart guided Dracula to remodel the home, up and coming Scythe-Meister, Maka Albarn, and her Demon-Scythe partner, Soul "Eater" Evans, took notice and decided to see what was going on]

Maka Albarn: Uuh...Lord Death?! What are you doing?

Soul "Eater" Evans: Is this a new hobby of yours?! Never thought I'd see magic be used to flip houses…

VB:[Disguising himself as Lord Death] Oh, hey Maka! Hey, Soul! I guess you could say I am flipping this house...After all, it will be the home of royalty!

SE: Royalty?! In Death City!?

MA: WOAH! That's amazing!

VB: What's even more amazing is that she will be the DWMA's newest Meister student! Along with her Weapon partner!

MA: Royalty in the academy!?! That's incredible!

SE: Royalty or not, I'm betting that Black 🌟 Star is still gonna challenge them to a fight…

VB: Oh! That rascal of a boy! He better not! She's a princess for crying out loud!

MA:[Awestruck] PRINCESS!?!

SE: That pompous windbag would fight a literal god if it joins the DWMA…

VB: *Sighs* You're right...Well anyway you two, I'll see you both later...But if I may offer some advice...Get ready to dress up to the nines…

MA&SE: Why?

VB: I'll explain it all later! I've got an estate to finish!

MA: Goodbye Lord Death!

SE: I guess we'll see you later…

[The two EAT students left to return home]

VB:[Returning to normal] Finally...Thought they'd never leave…Draugr, who is this Black 🌟 Star fellow they spoke of?!

DA: Never personally met him yet...But he's an Assassin-Meister with ambitious goals...Apparently, he challenges any newcomers to the class...I met his Weapon partner, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa...She seems nice...If not for a tad timid…

VB: I see...Well anyways, I'm going to tell the crew that we are ready to do the interior design...Could you help prepare some food for the party, Draugr? And could you post these posters around the city, Bartholomew?

DA: Very well…[He enter the home and head's to the kitchen]

BB: Fine...I guess this'll be my cardio for the week…[He flies off with a large stack of posters in his grasp]

[After Draugr helped the romanian staff prepare for the party, he was given insight that Serana and Magnolia were returning from their shopping spree. With this info, he went to the front door to let them in]

SB: What happened here!?!

DA: Your father decided to do some last minute remodeling...Me and Bart made sure that he didn't go overboard...So, do you like it?

SB: Like it?! I LOVE IT! This is incredible! I thought it was perfect before, but now it's beyond perfect!

VB:[Walking into the vicinity] You really think so?! That's what I was hoping for!

MB: Maybe we can remodel the palace after a while…

VB: Maybe...But it may be a little more tricky being a bit more public…

Voice in another room: Excuse me, your highness...Is there somewhere we can set up stage?!

VB: Of course, of course! But could you come in here? My daughter would love to meet you…

Voice in another room: Sure thing!

[Out comes the man behind the voice, only to be found that he was musical sensation, Brendon Urie]

Brendon Urie:[To Serana] Hey there! You must be Serana! Your dad told me about you! My name is-

SB:[Loopy] Brendon...Urie…*Thud*

[Serana Collapsed from meeting the music icon]

MB:[Checking on Serana] Serana?! Sweetie!?

DA:[Ecstatic] Oh my gosh, you're...You're Brendon Urie! From Panic! At The Disco![Shaking his hand] It's an honor to meet you sir! We're-I'M a big fan of you and your group! You sir, have the voice of a legend!

Brendon Urie: Well thanks, man! It's always good to meet a fan!...Speaking of which, she's gonna be alright, right?!

DA: Oh, Serana?! Yeah, she'll be fine...She's just as huge a fan as I am of you!...

[Echoing throughout Death City]
[Echoing throughout Nevada]
[Echoing throughout North America]
[Echoing throughout the Western hemisphere]
[Echoing throughout the Planet Earth]
[Back in the house]
What are you doing here!?!

Brendon Urie: Well...Your father booked us to play at your house warming party...So…

[Serana tackles her father to the floor as hugs him tightly]

SB:[Extremely grateful] Oh, thank you daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!

VB:[Smiling] I guess I just won the father of the year!

SB: No, not father of the year...Father of the Decade! Father of the Century! Father of the Millennium!

MB: Someone won some serious brownie points…

[Bart returns]

BB: I'm back! What'd I miss?!

Brendon Urie: Is that bat talking!?

BB: Hey! You're that famous guy! Brandon Rodgers, right?!

Brendon Urie: Umm...No...That's the Internet comic...I'm Brendon Urie. Lead singer of Panic! At The Disco.

BB: Oh yeah...You did that one song...Uuugh…"I Write Sins Not Tragedies"

Brendon Urie: Yep! Among others…I'm sorry to be going, but the guys and I have to set up and practice…

BB: Then follow me! I know of a perfect spot!

Brendon Urie: Okay! Come on guys…

[Bart leads Brendon and the rest of Panic! At The Disco deeper into the house]

LD:[After returning] Heyo! I'm back from spreading the word! Strange thing happened...When I got to Maka and Soul's place, they were already dressed and were expecting me…

VB: Oh, those two...When I was using my magic to reform the place, they showed up, so I kind of impersonated you to prevent a fight from starting…

LD: Oooh...That explains a lot actually...I hope you don't mind, but I also invited my son and his weapon partners…

DA: Partners? As in plural?!

LD: Yep! He and the Thompson Sisters are a force to be reckoned with!

DA: Huh!...You know, I only ever saw one other person have two weapons partners…

LD: It IS quite rare…I can only imagine how powerful three humans could be with such a tight bond…

VB: HA! That's nothing! Back in my life as The Impaler, I had 4 weapons partners...Ahhh...Sometimes I miss the old days...

DA: Actually, the girl I'm talking about isn't human, but a Reaper, like her mother and you…

LD:[Knowing who he might be talking about] Oh really!? What's her name?!

DA: Lady Hela...And her mother Lady Hel*, Queen of Helheim. Her weapon partners are actually brothers...Lady Thrud's younger brothers...Around me and Serana's age…

LD: Who is Lady Thrud?

DA: Oh! I'm sorry...I thought you knew...That's the birth name of Lady Marie Mjolnir…

LD: Oh...She never told me she had brothers?

DA: Really?! I figured she'd know...But probably not...She hasn't been in Bifrost since well before I was born…Anyways, their names are Magni and Modi...Mjonirs like Marie and their father, Thor…


DA: Wait...Lord Death...Are you...Did you and Lady Hel...No...Nooo….You didn't!...

LD: Hehehehe…

VB: Lord Death, you dog…

SB: What!?! What am I missing!?

DA: Everyone always wondered where Lady Hel went to, but here!?

SB: Will someone please tell me what is going on!?

LD: Well you see...When a male reaper and a female reaper love each other very much…

MB: You're married!?!

LD: Yes...No one else knows...Hel and I conceived two children...Fraternal twins...I kept Kid to be my successor, and she returned with Hela to be her heiress….

DA: Do they know?

LD: Do who know?!



[Death chopped Dracula on his head, but Dracula didn't flinch. The only evidence of damage was some streaks of blackened blood coming from his nostrils]

LD: No...Not yet...We were hoping to tell them when they were older…

SB: You Parent Trapped them!

LD: None of you can tell a soul! Or anyone else for that matter…Me and Hel will reveal the truth in time...Anyways, aren't you people going to throw a party or what!?

SB: Oh, drat! You're right! Places everyone! Places!

VB: I guess that we aren't the only royalty in the city, eh Grim Reaper?!

LD: What are you going on about?!

VB: If what Draugr says is true, then that makes you the King of Helheim, no!?


You'd have to do better than that...


Hel=Female Reaper/Shinigami. Not as well known as the "True Death God" we all know and love. Also known as Lady Death, due to being the mother of all(Except Lord Death) Reapers. She represents the Madness of Law.
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