Phoenix Whip

The fact that you died here it is the only that makes this damn trashing corridor moderately memorable. The pungent smell of garbage mixed with the semen and vomit of the last orgy. A huge hologram of the nearby brothel rotates around, illuminating the dulled rot alley with bright colours.

Of course, you are not aware of all that, focused on counting your merchandise and preparing it for when your drunk clientele and desirous of sexual activity demands its drug cloud.

Nobody comes to your old body, look again and again your mobile eyeing in all directions, surprised is Friday after the semifinals of the Murderbowl. You should have dozens staggering towards you with the fly open and vomit in your face.

You never saw your killer coming towards you in the form of a Glittery Purple fat ponies fursona man With a massive wooden purple dildo. The surprise attack instantaneously killed you.

Your new vision allows you to see how Glittery_Broni34 tea bagging your dead stiff as if you were a simple insect.

Your possessions are automatically looted and an immense ray of light teleport your bloody body from the alley, no single trace of you remained under the sex advertisement.

You have 1 choice:

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