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Tomb Raider: The Lost City of Nazarian

Author: NCPolice55571
I Grew up reading and owning every Choose Your Own Adventure Book. My favorite Author and inspiration to write is Edward Packard who had written many of these books to include my favorite....."Hyperspace".

When writting I like to use actual experiances that I have had in the military in the USMC as a heavy machinegunner and my experiances as a Police Officer. I also like to make special appearances as myself in the stories I write as a secondary character. Every now and then my friends will also make an appearcance. I enjoy writting but even more so, I enjoy having people read what I have written.

But the place I have found to be creative in writting is the Choose Your Own Adventure Online Story Engine. It is a great place to have fun and exchange ideas with other writers and have your stories read and commented on. So if your creative or just looking to read something where you have control of where the story line takes you then you have found the best place to be.

If you like this story check out some of my others and please your feed back both positive and negative are greatly apprecitated which helps me write better stories for you to read.

Hope you enjoy...

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