Zaftig City

First Day in the city of Zaftig

The Rat’s anxiety was starting to flare up as the site of it all was extremely hard to take in all at once. She cannot go back to home she came from, she as no place to live and the people she had seen so far are very diffident from the ones at home that it was all most scary. On the other hand, the city did all that threatening looking at the buildings all around her, the people seem to be friendly on the surface and the smells … the smells in the air were so alluring it was like anything she had ever encounter before. This city looked felt like it was model after a children’s fairytale, all colorful, bright, and inviting. She just hoped whatever tale this city was model after the ending was not a grim one.

She needed to decide on what to do next as could not just stay where she was now and watch fly by her. She looked around to see if the street signs could help her decide on her next courses of action and with luck find a bus stop sign that had showed the route it took around this time. Route 001 connected to a residential area, named Shlofndik that was a few miles north where she stood. Further, there was a public park called Shefedik Park. Southward was a harbor named Boykh Flout but before that there was an entertainment district called Roty Karsh. She had the money for maybe one or two trips down this route but the smell of all the food shops around her that she is getting hunger so many want to something eats while she on the next bus. The next bus will not appear until the next hour, so she had some time to buy something for herself.
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