Strangely Forgotten

"Don't get me wrong, she seems nice and all, but even I can tell she's hiding something."

You nod, "Definitely. You seemed more honest, so..." you trail off.

"Did I?" Your cousin sighs again. A relieved sigh.

"What's going on, anyways? Didn't you say you knew the truth? Or that they were lying or something?"

She nods, "I think it's kinda obvious by now that I'm not your cousin. I've been in that house with those people who said they're your parents, taking cover, for nearly four weeks. They let me pose as their niece. They seemed genuinely happy with having a child, I guess. They never mentioned you until they told me that you were at the hospital, though. I have no idea how they knew, with the whole power being out. They stay in their house all day. And it takes a few hours to drive here, anyways, but they let me tag along. I was curious."

"That makes zero sense," You comment.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I was gonna ditch 'em last week, but when I met you..." she shrugs, "I felt kinda obligated to try and help you out."

You nod, deep in thought, "Yeah, thanks. Even though it feels strange to be 'helped out' by a twelve-year-old."

She smiles softly, warming your heart. "No problem," she whispers.
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