Strangely Forgotten

Next walks in a younger teenager, maybe age twelve. Your cousin, perhaps? She walks to your side hastily, looking around the room with intense suspicion. Although she looks young, her eyes look hundreds of years old, filled with experiences and wisdom. It's unnatural to you. She suddenly sighs loudly, and crushes you in a hug, her tiny arms wrapped around your neck. You freeze, startled. She begins whispering soft and quick, "They're recording everything with cameras and microphones, and this is the only way i can speak to you privately, so don't say a word. I don't know what they've told you, but I know it's a lie. I can't tell you why or how I know, but you're gonna have to trust me. When you're allowed to leave in a few days, meet me at the old church building a few blocks down from here." She retreats from the hug, forming a huge smile and loudly saying, "I can't believe you're okay! Your parents and I have been elated to see you again."

You shrug, "So, you're my cousin then?"

She smiles too brightly, "Yep! Since my parents were drafted, I've been staying with yours. Technically, we haven't seen each other since we were both little, so you might've not remembered me anyways without this whole memory loss thing. So don't feel too bad about it, okay?" If you weren't so confused, you might've smiled. A twelve year old girl is trying to comfort you. It really must be the end of the world.

You have 1 choice:

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