(NOT A STORY)Chars31 Info

So what does the future hold?

That's a good question. And that's what I'm trying to figure out with this site. I can do what I've done the last 12 years and just forget about it, leaving it up to yahoo, or geocities or DreamHost or whoever or whatever is in charge of maintaining the site, and the dream for the next 20 years and hope it's still around to appreciate, as we are lucky enough to have it be now.

But because there's essentially more questions than answers regarding this, I feel I have to do SOMETHING to ensure the prosperity of this site, or if it is actually destined to completely die out and cease to exist one day for good, than at least do my best to preserve it's memory. I think we all owe it that much.

After doing some rough math with best guesses, I feel I'm very close in my estimate when I say that from the time I joined there, til the time I left, I spent close to about 3000 hours on Chars31. Now that might not seem like a HUGE amount of time today, as I've put over 1000 hours into games like Fallout or Call of duty, or Dayz, but I'm 30 now, and I was 15 when I left there. At the time, I had devoted 1/45th of my young life willingly to this place. And today that's still not a lot, equating to approximately having spent almost 1% of my life there, to date. But think about this...What do you spend 1% of a 24-hour day doing? Brushing your teeth? Riding a bus? Listening to music? Eating a breakfast sammich? These things are kind of mundane and don't really stand out because you do them all the time, and know you can do it again the next 24 hours. But let's say you only got 24 hours left. You're going to think about that 1% activity, because you know you won't get the chance to do it again. Once you've done it, it's gone. And I believe that's what a lot of "Veterans" of Chars31 think about, in this spectrum. Something they only devoted a small portion of their lives to, yes, but no less important to the history of who they are.
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