The Rise and Fall of the Yurt Dwellers of Nohunteria

d00dz0r NIIIIIIIIICE article mang, teached me TONZ i aint GOT no LUVE for them FGTNUB DUMB hackers (they be knubbes (fgts)) hackers STUPID u hit DA nail RITE ON DA!! head 1!!! rgr D: KEEP 'EM CUMMIN' kewl pal cuz i learned myself LOTS AND lots from UR k00l article TICH THOSE lamz0rz WUTS down AND !! up BAN L0s3rS ? h4x

peace out LATER homies and! gg to U fgt nub CHEAT !! idiots RETARD da N00by, KNUBBESS!!!!

---------------------------SPANISH TRANSLATED------------------
¡h4x es revelación, si el abuso linado de u como una cogida, entonces
coge una perra si el hombre de la cogida del dun de la perra, yo tiene
gusto principalmente de vivir en soledad, profesando mis pensamientos
a través del servidor en mi pequeño:D cubby! ¡el newayz i careció
los smarts para realizar el ive que utilizaba los tramposos del
"contador-strijke"! ¡afterall que mi puntería consiguió mucho mejor
antes de que reconociera mi teclado presionara los botones
ARRUINÉ ENCIMA de 70 MATANZAS LOOOL2214L....but como si no fuera
bastante, yo entonces utilicé lo que contador-pulsa la élite la
llamada de usuarios "CONFIG HAK" y miraba todos mis comps de los
amigos y los lancé en cada archivo de los config podría encontrar
pronto mi cfg era 5 gigs! ¡entonces cuando la gente en los servidores
era cfg y cheets del lol del leik los ", el cfg del ur debe ser
loorofldld" de 5 gigs... y ella era rite!

aww yee flipmode ma trigga higga

GET A CLEW NUB CUZ' jumpman23 is my P33P so LAYOFF (HIM) U RETARD or u get a taste of my big HAND-fist in YOUR rear

so im fucking this guy right, and he flips over and yells SHOOT IT ALL OVER ME

My name is of the Justin Drahl and myself is a member 407 of the Clan of death which is equipment of Calori' like. I?m that you him would call "" a player LARGE E I, in do not pour us outside the nonknown morning precisely in the community. A thing that I am not of Safe obstante, is that I am realist. I v the things to eat me to be and I have the taste, my opinion to express, in which I think of me that, I appear to him boa.vinda to him. With do this one, you, mention side of I?d have the taste to treat mainly with a problem right in the community and the opinion ' cut ' being cut? A problem in the community? I do not smell here and me names itself not in Hackers of the people, because I ' lack in the capacities.' I grant, do not have far the broadest objective and that is material of Cal-Invites had left and me had named with in another classroom of Spelling you relieve me wished him, however with a constant of the remainder the thing, honest I?m "has" "knubbe". Game with my god capacity given and nothing the other. I cannot "leet more uber", however this one too little that its I can say I to me which I am legit. You to have perhaps an idea in I?m which belongs to this one. being my first quality, he wanted to form them differently whereas each one is used. I will indicate this one of Hackers. Yes, the people which feel behind his computers, with his DLL of Raspel of the order, to wait in his CDs, or where the box dissimulating to wish. They know, with which are you. Perhaps you it crosses to it last, or ' cut ' the saw of others, without forming the examination of the activity; You it is a right as an defendant. Here, it too is for him my advertisement. The cut does not arrive at him in part. The reality of him is that you receive it examination carried out possible. It cannot that its it is not today, can however the following station, possible display-it-ã0 is and to receive to it what you gain. It is adapted of him? known as the excursion? Malhonnêtement? Immorally? The spine in the pressure of accountant community? Something by you can be to reir these explanations. It is perhaps the reaction right which to you reach it stations. An excursion being is addictive. They can a taste of nature well then the remainder, and you whom it cannot stop. The problem is, if you summarize with the league. It inflame guarantee of a bomb of time these hopes to explode. They start in theOpen ones. With the equipment, + not to lose of the sight, finds almost impossible 600 admins the calorie to choose with him for the external part. Its equipment has only one large station a time and loses with equipment "this obvious cut." They must strike to have had with, him linearly? In much of case, a Spieler expert is you with his cut this best distant. The sad part is, you who you do not include/understand this one. This one impels stops continuing, since which in a misleading way that "other in the community receives far with him." It f4 him consequently the Cal-Intermediate or perhaps if its happy person (and polishes), Cal-Hand. These communities are not, like largely. This station is my as in Cal-Intermediate. I can say that the community is much more narrowly with this one which was initially in the stations. The players know each other; we know, so that who it attention gives for the external part. You are now in its fingers of the foot. Attempts to indicate the fist of its cuts for distances the attempt and to be nondesired. If it, in top to push advertisements with him. P carried out for you do not wish this obvious point

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