Naruto: A Choose Your Own Adventure!

His eyes regained their color and he resolved to go right. He ran down the path, determined to get those scrolls, probably full of awesome jutsu! That scroll that he had pulled was just a one of a kind! He didn't remember how he had gotten back to the crossroads though... the last thing he remembered was opening the scroll and seeing it blank. Soon, he came across the tower again. He stared up at it, fists clenched, and nodded to himself. Walking in he looked around, to find a different cool looking scroll. They all looked cool. but he had to find one really cool! After searching and searching, he came across the blank scroll again. He was tempted to try it again, but he just glared at it. As he was about to go look around more, his eyes lost their color, and he stood there, the wood creaking under him.

You have 2 choices:

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