The Church

QUEST ADDED: One Last Sermon

March 01, 6:00PM, Saturday, 2008.

You take what you know will be your final walk down Church Street to Mandy and Josh's place.

You enter The Church and are greeted by your friends.

Mandy approaches you and hands you a small bottle of Crown Royal.

Mandy: "You'll have to save a shot for when you come back here."

Josh puts two empty bottles of Lakeport Honey Lager into one of the many boxes in the kitchen, and hands you a full bottle.

Josh: "Don't you be a stranger..."

Taylor has just finished tuning the Peavey Raptor to perfection.

Taylor: "We learned some SOAD songs just for you."

You still can't believe tomorrow is moving day, and these thoughtful actions don't make it any easier.
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