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The Church

You approach Allen's Alley downtown when suddenly a mysterious person whose face is covered up by a large hoodie stops you. You expect him to ask for something, but instead he only offers up a solemn, solitary statement, which is as follows:

"The 'Cloud' shall not fall over this city....but another. When the clock strikes 8:00, you must depart. Go....Face your destiny"

You knew the meth problem in Stratford was bad, but not THAT bad. Weird.

Upon exiting the alley, you spot a familiar figure off in the distance, followed by two you do not recognize. A white swan waddles off in the grass followed by two waterfowl(Mallards maybe?). Walking shortly behind them is none other than Taylor! He is followed by two rando's as he often is, when in the vicinity of City Hall.

You have 1 choice:

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