Gwen's Dating Sim
"I'll go talk with the tiefling." You say.
"Okay. I will go talk to the dwarf." Nyx says.
You split up and go to your chosen capitan. You slid onti a chair across from him.
"Hello sir. I am lookin to get passage to go Cavenchila's Kiitten."
"I see." He replies. "Well that would be 40 to start, then 5 additional gold for any additional people."
"Okay. I will go talk to the dwarf." Nyx says.
You split up and go to your chosen capitan. You slid onti a chair across from him.
"Hello sir. I am lookin to get passage to go Cavenchila's Kiitten."
"I see." He replies. "Well that would be 40 to start, then 5 additional gold for any additional people."