And All Things Will End

You look into Aela's eyes and slowly shake your head. Wordlessly, you turn to face the pounding of footsteps. She does not argue, and you can feel her presence vanish as she takes off after Hunter. Idly, you wonder what they hope to find in the mines. These thoughts do not linger for long; for now, you must focus on what is before you, even though your eyes may not be able to.

After what feels like aeons stretching by, a single creature shambles into your vision. Its limbs extend into thin ropy tendrils, and pull a mass of flesh behind it. Four stilted legs protrude from beneath, bleeding profusely. Your vision swims as your consciousness desperately tries to remain above the depths.

From where nothing should be, a maw extends. You flail indiscriminately to no avail.

With each touch, your flesh is wrought from your body. Your own hands join in.

A crack, and your arm shatters. The bone stabs deeply, so you remove it. Your heart pumps blood faster, but it spills on the ground. A tendril stabs through your skull, and comprehension is lost. Your mouth gibbers ceaselessly, your eyes clouding over.

At length, your suffering ends.

Nothing remains save a rapidly rotting piece of flesh. Chiron looks, but cannot find your soul.

Your legacy vanishes soon thereafter.
End Of Story