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Life of Brad-an

Brad was hesitant to take a government job, but found that he loved the people and the work. One day, President Leonardo DiCaprio walked into the post office Brad works at and approached Brad's counter.

"Mr. President," he says as the Commander in Chief approached the counter.

"Ah yes," President DiCaprio quickly looks down at Brad's name badge, "Hello, Brad."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe President Jack from Titanic knows my name! How can I help you, sir?" Brad says in a flush. He salutes.

"Well I'd actually like a roll of stamps for my-hey, you know I'm not just from Titanic right? I've been in lots of noteworthy films-plenty. I was nominated for four Oscars before I had to eat raw bison liver to win one. Do you know that I didn't eat meat at the time of filming? Do you know what that kind of dedication does to a person? Ask Heath Ledger. Oh wait, you can't because he's dead. That's dedication and it's what I should have done after playing Howard Hughes. I guess God has other plans for me."

How does Brad respond?
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