* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Plan D Takes Action

WooHoo! What a great plan! Now, you have to fill up your water gun with sewer water.

You climb down your secret hideout (your treehouse) and into the depths of the sewers.

"Wow! It smells so good in here!" you say with a smile.

You fill up the water gun with the disgusting, murky, and nasty water.

"Yep! That'll do the trick. Heh heh..."

You climb up back to the surface with your epic monkey skills. You then get your toilet paper and
start the plan.

You hurry over to the house with a 4 legged sprint, some toilet paper on your tail, and a sewer water gun
in your hand. This plan will be a huge success! Or will it?

Anyways you finally get to their house.

You sniff the air, "Ah! I can smell the revenge coming!"

You grin a huge and nasty grin. You start throwing and tearing up all the toilet paper you stole all over
their house. Then you spray it down with the gnarly stench of your epic sewer water gun!

You laugh like a maniac! That'll teach em'! Hahaha!!!!





But little do you know, someone is watching...


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