The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

*you spawn in the minecraft world*

Well, Stanley, is this any better? At last, the one thing you've always desired: a story I had absolutely nothing to do with. But is it enough? Tell me that, Stanley. Will it ever be enough? Well, I'll say this, I'm done making things for you. For now on, I will only create to fulfill a greater artistic purpose.

Watch this, Stanley, I'm going to build a house!

*humming* This will go... here! No, here. And then... *humming* Let's see, what does it need... ah, yes, of course! And just to finish it all off... Yes! It's complete! I made this, Stanley. Look at it. Gaze upon my work of art and feel ashamed at your own inadequacy. Ah, but you've only seen it from the outside. You've only gotten half the experience. Please, step inside and make yourself comfortable.

You have 1 choice:

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