The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

You know, I've been spending the last 2 hours embroiled in thought, and it occurred to me: this game is incomplete! It's missing something, it still doesn't have that... oomph. What is it, I thought to myself, what could possibly be missing from this incredible experience? And then in a moment of rapture, as though delivered by angels, it came to me.

Before this moment I was blind, but those days are behind us. I now understand the true manifestation of this game. It needs... a puppy!

*A cardboard cutout of a puppy appears*

That's right, this puppy is being lowered toward an aquarium filled with nothing but piranha! Now you have to click the second button to avert the puppy's death in addition to the baby's! This is it, Stanley! Art! I did it! Video games are art! Ah, but you have good 2 hours or so to go, so I'll just let you get to that. No time to waste when there is such a meaningful game to be played. Bonne chance, mon ami!
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