The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

Here, based on the data from your previous play-through, I've compiled a new version. And to be perfectly candid, I think I've knocked it out of the park with this one. Let's take a look.

*A leaderboard appears, you are at the bottom*

Now, would you say that competitive leaderboard helped you feel motivated to keep walking through doors? Again, honest answers, please.

Oh, I nearly forgot! I've got a prototype of a new game I've been working on, and now would be a lovely opportunity to give it some play testing. You wouldn't mind taking a look at it, would you? Perfect, let me boot it up.

*a cardboard cut-out of a baby appears*

In this game, the baby crawls left toward danger. You click the button to move him back to the right, and if he reaches the fire, you fail. It's a very meaningful game - all about the desperation and tedium of endlessly confronting the demand of family life. I think the art world will really take notice. But of course, the message of the game only becomes clear once you've been playing it for about four hours. So why don't you give it four hours of play to make sure it's effective. Be sure to keep notes on your experience.
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