The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

Oh, thank god, you are willing to listen to me. Do you realize that I really have wanted you to be happy all this time? The problem is all these choices, the two of us always trying to get somewhere that isn't here, running and running and running just the way you're doing now. Don't you see that it's killing us Stanley? I just... I want it to stop. I would, we would both be much happier if we just stopped. And I think, well I think I have a solution. Here, let me show you.

*everything goes black. Then, suddenly beautiful lights begin swirling around you, like little colored orbs of happiness*

Here! Yes! Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it? If we just stay here, right in this moment, with this place... Stanley, I think I feel... happy. I actually feel happy.

*a door appears behind you*
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