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Anias glances at you, looking queasy. "I'm almost afraid to look. Here, you do it."

You accept the proffered datapad and open the most recent message. It reveals that Anias will be doing her study at the lone moon of the planet Klave. The society there has only just passed the political tipping point, and was another of the controversial worlds where those who show disdain for the school's policy of non-interference with planetbound lifeforms groused about how avoidable it all was with a little diplomatic support. Fortunately, it's a mild world, its civilization rotting more from decadence than violence or anything dangerous.

Anias is still sitting beside you with her eyes shut tight, so you tap her on the shoulder and hold out the pad. "I hope you like hazardous diseases, because this place has all you could want and more!"

She moans, reads a bit, then gives you a playful punch to the stomach that only causes you to have a couple of dry heaves before you recover. "Ha ha, it is to laugh. Why don't you open yours, then?"

Without much in the way of options to change your fate, you open up your planetary assignment and find out what the fates have in store for you: Siltrada 7. One of three inhabited planets in the system, life readings are supposedly so faint that it is believed the sapient species there which once numbered in the tens of billions is now down to less than thirty, scattered across shelters or caves on the planet's two major continents. It is as yet unexamined, but is suspected to have been another victim of the plague of arms races and inherent violence that has so often ended civilizations less advanced than the pacifistic one you have known all your life.

Your flitship and crew will be ready for your departure in the morning, as will those of your friend Anias for her own post-civilization destination.

Without much in the way of options to change your fate, you open up your planetary assignment and find out what the fates have in store for you: Siltrada 7. One of three inhabited planets in the system, life readings are supposedly so faint that it is believed the sapient species there which once numbered in the tens of billions is now down to less than thirty, scattered across shelters or caves on the planet's two major continents. It is as yet unexamined, but is suspected to have been another victim of the plague of arms races and inherent violence that has so often ended civilizations less advanced than the pacifistic one you have known all your life.

Your flitship and crew will be ready for your departure in the morning, as will those of your friend Anias for her own post-civilization destination.
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