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Blind Date

"No, you don't understand. I mean that I would like it next to my bed and you in my bed without it.", you continue to explain.

"So you'd rather have me without it.", she says, her eyes filling with tears. "I happen to like this shirt! I think it's a nice shirt!"

"Calm down, I mean that I'd like to see you without it!", you say.

"Yes, I get it. Me without this hideous shirt. The colour? The style? You are too materialistic! You pig! Take me home, NOW!", she yells.

You continue to try to explain how the compliment works, but it only makes things worse. By the time you get back to her place, she is bawling uncontrollably, she runs inside the house and slams the door.

You drive home by yourself, wondering where you went wrong. Note to self: don't use THAT line again, at least not on blondes.

End Of Story