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Midnight Snack

When I drink the coffee, I can feel the weather change around me. The walls have disappeared and all I see is tropical savanna. The floor beneath my feet has turned to grass.
I'm in the middle of a coffee bean farm. I look around and see people planting, harvesting, and tending to the coffee cherry plants. I look around and nobody seems to notice me until I hear a booming voice from behind. A short man wearing a suit and drinking a massive cup of coffee is impatiently waiting for my answer.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" Says the man.
"Well, I was at home and I drank some coffee and-"
"You're trespassing!" He interrupts. "Can you read me that sign over there?" He asks as he points over to a yellow sign no more than 10 feet away.
"Trespassers will be put to work." I read out loud.
I turn back around, but the man has vanished. I don't want to grow coffee cherries, but I don't want to pay a fine.
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