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Blind Date

The little boy looks you in the eye and says, "You're gay, aren't you."

"What!? No, I'm not gay!", you say, a little too loud.

"Who's gay?", asks Granny.

"He is.", states Timmy.

"What!? No, I'm not!", you deny.

"Denial, I hear that's the first sign.", states Mr. Smith.

You hear someone running down the stairs, it's Sara. She has long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her lips are full and pink. She's wearing tight black pants and an even tighter cut-off t-shirt.

"Who's gay?", Sara asks.

"Sara, I'm afraid that your date just came out of the closet.", Mr. Smith tells his daughter while Granny and Timmy nod solemnly.

"I'M NOT GAY!", you shout.

"Denial.", states Sara as her family nods.

Bewildered, you leave the Smith residence, unsure of what exactly happened.

You've turned a few girls to the other side, but this is the first time that YOU were outed on a date!

End Of Story