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Blind Date

"Sure!", he shouts excitedly.

BAM! You throw a round house into his face. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Three rabbit jabs to his stomach. As he hunches over, you grab him by the hair and ram your knee into his face! He falls flat on his back and you casually place a foot on his chest.

Granny counts out, "One! Two! Three!!!! He gotchya!"

As Mr. Smith lays unconscious on the living room floor, Sara finally comes down the stairs. She has long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her lips are full and pink. She's wearing tight black pants and an even tighter cut-off t-shirt.

"We gots a new champ!", shouts Granny, clapping her hands.

Granny is truly impressed by your manliness, unfortunately, when Sara sees her bloody father, she is less impressed. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, you decide to head home before Mr. Smith wakes up.

End Of Story