One Way Out

You waved at John and proceeded to stab her with the knife. You weren't going to miss at such close quarters. You just kept going and going. She stopped screaming at the 5th stab. She stopped breathing at the 7th. It was interesting how her arms and leg flailed around, trying to resist you. Your arm was getting tired from all these stabs. You stood up and surveyed your work.
Her entire torso area was gored severely. There were some stray holes in her shoulders and thighs but other than that it was pretty even. You massaged your tired and bloody arm. You realized how much blood was on your clothes and clicked your tongue. It was a shame.
You heard some footsteps and looked up to see John judging your work. "Could be more creative," he said and walked off. You dropped the knife from your hand and left Emma's mangled body alone. Ahead, you could see Landon in the commons, pacing about.
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