Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Clay(ton) Grimm:[Stops Victoria by the shoulders] Wait!

Everyone:[Disappointed] ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!

Griffin: Just kiss her!...*Meow*...

Victoria Marvell:[Snapping out of her trance] You're right!...We shouldn't---

CG: Not that!...I sense something…No!...Someone!...Coming from Lullaby!

VM:[Shocked] HUH!?!

Everyone:[Shocked] WHAT!?!

CG:[Leading the others] Come on! Follow me!

[Clay lead everyone to the suspected lifeform. As he predicted, it was a person, aged to a sickly grey hue.]

Everyone: Woah!...There is a person… | I think he's alive...Barely… | Was...Was HE the demon Lullaby!?!

CG:[Recognizes the man] No...This is impossible!...Gordon!?!...

Chico Hammitt: Gordon?!

Gordon Williams:[Dying] Clay!?!...[Violent coughing]...Is that you!?!...Well I'll be!...[Wheezing] You're all grown up!...The last time I say you...You were no taller than my knees…[Violent cough]...You're even wearing your father's coat…[Wheezing]...It fits you well…

CG: How is this possible!?!..I SAW YOU DIE!!!

GW: I did…*Coughing*...Let me explain...As I was making my last stand against our town's invaders, using the same Flute of Death as the assassin that made me a widower...They struck me down...Knowing all the death they would be able to accomplish with Lullaby, I sealed my own soul into the flute...Making it so that I could be the only true holder of the Lullaby...The only one who could control it...What I did not expect is for a wizard in a black robe to use my soul in his black magic...In his attempt to turn me into one of his demons, he failed to realize that my consciousness wasn't warped or consumed by his magic...It was split...He turned me into a monster...A demon...My sanity was broken for SO LONG...Until now...My battle is over...Even though I lost the battle...The demon lost the war...When you and this girl vanquished it!...I'm free...Free to finally die!...

CG: NO!...I can save you!...You don't have to-

GW: No...I do...When you defeated the demon, I managed to transfer the flutes accursed magic into my own soul...Rendering it's melody of death useless...I will be the last victim of Lullaby...Then it's magic will be forever gone...Where are we anyways!?!

VM: Clover, sir…

GW: Really!?![Chuckles]...Well then...This is the perfect place for me to die...The town where my beloved wife Nora is burried…[Points to a particular tree.] There!...That's her grave...I see the ribbon and everything…

[The tree he was pointing at had lavender-colored ribbon with “Nora Suede Williams” in gold thread, repeating on the length of the ribbon.]

GW:[Laughing, followed by violent coughing] How old are you, Clay?

CG: Nineteen...But I'm turning twenty later this year…

GW: Then it's been thirty years since I lost her...Looks like that ribbon your father made hasn't changed a bit...Forge Magic must be really amazing...Clay...Could you do me a favor?...

CG:[Tearing up] Of course!...

GW: I want to be burried next to her...With a tree as my tombstone...Can you do it?...

CG:[In tears] Yes, of course!...*Sniffles*...Uncle…

GW: Thank you...Just know this...Your mother and father would be proud of the man that you have become...I'm proud...Of the man that you have become…[Near-death experience.] Clay!...I see her!...I see my beloved Nora!...She's as beautiful as the day I met her...She's calling me over!...I'm leaving this life behind, Clay!...Goodbye….Nephew…[He has breathed his last breath.]

VM:[Hand on Clayton's shoulder] I'll help you burry him…

Sorciers Sans Frontiéres: Same here…

Lucy Heartfilia:[Pointing at Lullaby] Hey, look!

[The flute was changing. It's three eye socketed skull was changing to a smiling face. But not just any face. It was Gordon's face. The day he married the love of his life.]

Master Makarov Dreyar:[Picks up the flute] Here![Offers the flute to Clay.] It belongs to you now…

CG:[Taking the flute] Thanks…

LH: I'll help with the grave...Open. Gate of the Maiden. Virgo.

Virgo:You summoned me, princess?!...[She looks to see Gordon's corpse.] Gordon!?!...

LH: He's...He's dead, Virgo...I summoned you to help dig a grave next to-

Virgo:[Interrupting] Next to his wife...Nora...I'd be honored to do so…[Virgo dug a six-foot rectangular hole, next to Nora's grave.]
It is complete...I will return to notify the others…[She leaves though her gate.]

Grimm Twins: We'll help you carry him!...

CG: Thanks...But first...We've got to wrap him up…[He used his Magic to weave a fabric to wrap around the body.] Now...Let's carry him…

[The Siblings Grimm carry their uncle-by-law to his final resting place. Not long after that, Virgo returned with a group of other spirits, to attend Gordon's funeral. After the short ceremony was completed, the Siblings Grimm, along with everyone proceeded to burry the deceased wizard. Then magically planted a tree, making both a branch from Gordon's tree and Nora's tree wrap around each other's ends, looking like they're holding hands.]

VM: You okay, Clay!?!...

CG: Yeah...Although I lost another family member...I know he's where he wants to be...Now then...Everyone...YOUR ALL INVITED TO OUR HOUSE-WARMING PART IN MAGNOLIA!!!

Everyone:[Confused, then exited]

VM: Well, in that case...I should head back to our inn...And get ready for---*Kyah!*


*Kyah!*...*THUD!*...[Victoria lost her footing and fell back. Causing everything under her dress skirt to be momentarily visible to the predominantly male crowd.]

Men(Excluding the men of the SSF): WOW!!! | Wooo mama! | Nice lingerie! | [Wolf whistle] | Huba huba!

[Meanwhile, in Oak Town.]

Juvia Lockser:[Waking up again] *Sighs*...Now I'm REALLY going crazy...Victoria would NEVER steal the love of my life...She's one of my best friends...And she's already with Clayton…[She again tries to go back to bed.]

[Back in Clover.]

LH:(She's wearing the same kind of underwear I bought back at home…)

[Multiple hit sounds]


Erza Scarlet:[Offering a hand to help Victoria up] Need a hand?

VM:[Accepting] Thanks…[She's helped up to her feet.]

CG: Alright fairies! Let's all hop into TERRA and head back home to Magnolia!

TERRA: Actually. There is one problem, Sir Grimm.

CG: Problem!?!...What problem!?!

TERRA: My engine is completely overheated. I'll need at least 50hrs to cool down.

Gray Fullbuster: I could cool your down in a snap!

TERRA: I appreciate your offer, but if my engine is cooled too rapidly, it can warp, and be rendered useless.

CG: Yeah...And it's a real pain to build a new engine…

Happy: Not to worry! I'll just lead the others to Magnolia myself!

CG: Okay...Then I'll just see you all in a couple of days then…

Clairissa Suede: We'll be in Clover until TERRA's all done cooling down…

Teresa Grimm: See you all back at the guild hall!

MMD: Come on, Happy! Lead the way!...Happy!?!

LH: Hey!...Where IS Happy!?!

[The blue Exceed was trying to woo the Exceed Twins.]

Hap: So!...You two like mackerel!?!

Exceed Twins: Ummm...Yeah…?

Hap: Well then…[Pulls out a large mackerel] can I take you two out for dinner!?!...My treat!...

Lya: Hmmm...Kind of in a Red Snapper mood…

Mya: Yeah...And I could kill for some Double Rainbow Trout…

Exceed Twins: Know any good sushi places in Magnolia!?!

Hap: Sushi!?! What's that!?!

Exceed Twins:[Looking at one another, then back at Happy. Laughing hysterically] What's sushi!?! | How could you love seafood AND NOT know what sushi is!?!

Lya: Please, tell us you've at least had sashimi…

Hap:[Thinking long and hard] Hmmm...Nope! Doesn't ring a bell!...

Exceed Twins:[Even more laughter] Really!?! Not even sashimi!?! It's literally thinly sliced fish!...*Laughing!* Come back to us when you've tasted REAL fish, you uncultured cat kitty cat!
[They fly off into town, laughing.]

Hap: 🙀

ES: Happy!...You've had sushi and sashimi before!...

Hap: *Sniffles* I have!?!

GF: Well, yeah...Remember when Mikuni had to fill in for one of the guild hall's cooks?

Natsu Dragneel: Oh, yeah! And he made all that yummy food with fish and rice and vegetables and stuff…

Hap:[Loudly] OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOU ALL ARE RIGHT!!![About to go after the Exceed Twins, but stopped by Master Makarov.] Let me go gramps! One of those lovely kitties is bound to be the queen(Female cat) of my dreams!

MMD: Calm yourself, Happy!...You don't wanna seem desperate...Woman hate it when men do that…

VM: Relax, little guy..We're coming to Magnolia to enjoy Clay's killer party!...Guess we'll see you all later…

[Victoria and the rest of the SSF left, excluding Griffin and the Siblings Grimm.]

Hap:[Ecstatic] Okay! Don't worry you guys! I have a great sense of direction!

LH:[Under her breath] Somehow, I doubt that…

[As the Fairy Tail wizards split, Happy, of course, gets them lost.Unbeknownst to the Grimm's and Griffin.]

CH:[Approaching Clay] Hey...How you holding up?

CG: Hard to say...Just found out my uncle I thought died years ago is alive...Then he died right in front of me...I should feel...Sad...But…[He nods up ahead to the scene of Gordon's soul being reunited to Nora. Seeing them both wave as they're lifted to the Overworld] This is what he wanted...I'm glad he now gets to be reunited with my aunt...Fortunately...Death isn't the end of everything...It's the beginning...Of one's new eternal life...Besides...I'm the Prince of the Afterworld...I could always visit them…

CH: Can...We visit my mother?

CG: I believe she's somewhere in the Overworld...It's hard to pin her down...But I'll let you know when I do...Cici…


[In pain] Damn...Thought I'd get away with that…

CH:[Annoyed] The hell you will…[Normally] So...Why didn't you kiss her?

CG: I don't know...Maybe...Because I knew one kiss was gonna magically bring us back together...And...I'm afraid...Of being rejected again…

CH:[Offering a hand] Come on...There's some Inns out there we can get rooms at…Separate rooms...

CG: Hang on…[He activates his Signal Lacrima, causing it to glow green. Grabbing her hand] Alright...Let's go…

[They walk off together to find an Inn to stay at in Clover]
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