Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

[After purifying and collecting 84 cubic meters of Orichalcum, they decided to keep 4 and leave the extra 80 to Rocco. Exiting the Cave]

Clayton Grimm: MAN!...I've never seen that much Orichalcum in one spot in my entire life!

Erza Scarlet: I've never seen it before...But it was beaming with power...If my blacksmith had seen all of it, he'd probably fall into a coma from pure shock...

Chico Hammitt:[Picking a bunch of Copper Mountain Flowers] Well...[She made three crowns out of the flowers.Putting one on] We deserve these for a job well done!

ES:[Noticing the flower crown Chico's wearing change in color like a beautiful rainbow of flourishing colors] What the---Let me see one of those...[She puts on on, only for the same affect to happen]

CH:[Now noticing the phenomenon] Woah!...It's SO pretty...

CG:[Daydreaming] You sure are...

Ladies: What was that?

CG:[Snapping out of it] I-I-I mean THEY sure are!...They're empathic...They sense the emotions of other beings and change their colors based on them...[He put a flower crown on]

ES: So what are the meanings behind the colors?

CG: No one really knows...The only thing known is that warm, bright colors seem to appear for positive emotions...And cool, dark colors for negative emotions...Or something like that...[Thinking about Victoria, his crown flourished in vibrant warm colors, then changed into duller cool colors as he remembers their breakup]

[Clayton sensed an ambush around them of gunmen]

Huh![His crown changed to an alert red]

ES:[Looking at him] Is something wrong?

CG: We're surrounded...

Head gunman: We have you surrounded!...Don't have us create a mess in front of two beautiful ladies...Nidhogg...

CH: What the-

[Twelve gunmen had them surrounded. Guns drawn, with a thirteenth man approaching them]

CG: Damn it!

Head Gunman:[Guns drawn right to Clay's head and chest] Ah, ah, ah! we're only here for you...And I'd doubt you'd like seeing these...[Grabbing Chico by the chin] Beautiful ladies...Caught in the crossfire...[Now with a sinister look on his face]

[The men had their guns on the girls]

ES:[Requips to her Adamantine Armor] We're not helpless gir-


[In pain] Ahhaaagh![She was shot through her left shoulder. She fell to her knees]

CG&CH:[Worried] ERZA!

Head Gunman: Erza?...*Laughs* Well what do ya know boys!...The Fairy Queen is here too! Ho ho! This is just too good!

ES:[In pain. Breathing heavily] My...Armor...Didn'[She collapsed]

CH:[Moving towards Erza] Erza!

[The gunmen were all trained on Chico]

Head Gunman:[Gesturing them to stand down] Leave her...[Points to Clayton] HE'S our target...I must say...I was surprised that you took out the old man...I used to look up to him...But he was past his prime...Just a rusty Sickle...

CG: I recognize you punks now...Your The Twelve Gun Slaughter...And you...Your Blink...Death's Head Caucus's current Ace Assassin...

Blink: Impressive!...But to be expected as The Wizard Who Can See & Hear All...The Alliance has you as a prime target...[To Erza] And you picked the worst time to fight us Titania...All were packing is armor-piercing rounds...Now...Take the coat off and we'll be done in no time...

CG: Not until their out of here!

Blink: Very well...*Snap!*

[There was a break in their formation]

I'd hurry along now girls...😈 This is about to turn into a slaughterhouse!

CH:[Calling for a spirit to help her] Dexter! I need your medical knowledge to help Erza!

Dexter:[Emerging to her side] Call me Doc!...[Helping Chico carry Erza out of the ambush]

Blink: There! You see! They'll be fine!...Can't say the same for you...

CG:[Taking off his coat, letting it drop to the floor] Let's get this over with...

CH:[Shouting] CLAY! NOOOO!!!


[A large cloud of smoke was all that could be seen where Clayton stood]

Blink: See?! Easy!...We're all a trillion jewels richer men!

12 Gun Slaughter:[Cheering]

CG:[Shouting from the smoke] HEY!...Is that all you've got? Punks!

Blink: What the-Shoot that bastard to kingdom come!

[The 13 men emptied their guns into the smoke cloud]

[They smoke clears to reveal Clayton in his Earth Dragon Force*]

CG:[Dragon Force] What's wrong, Blink?...You look like you're starring at a ghost!...Let me clear the air...Earth Dragon: Secret Art: Thunderclap!

[As if he were the Incredible Hulk, Clayton's clap sent a shockwave powerful enough to send the men flying backwards. It should be noted. If this ever happened in real life, you'd be fucking dead]

CH:[With ringing ears]Th---Thunderclap?!...

ES:[Ears ringing] Such...Power...

Blink:[Discombobulated. Getting up] What...What the hell...?

CG:[Dragon Force] Surprised?!...You should see the look on your face...And I can't wait to see what look you make when I beat it to a pulp...

12GS1: You...Bastard![He charges at Clay with a Magic Axe]


[The weapon shattered like it was made of frail glass]

[Clayton had the assassin by his collar]

12GS1:...I'm sorry...

CG:[Dragon Force] Earth Dragon: Highland Uppercut!


[The assassin was sent flying so fast, he couldn't make a peep]

Doc Dex:[While working on Erza] Hey, ma'am...Maybe call for the others to help out in this fight?

CH:[Snapping out of it] OH! Uhhh...Good call...To my side! The Seven Defenders!

Axlerod:[Pulling out two ghostly pistols] It's SO GREAT to fight again!

Bartholomew:[With a rifle] Let's...Hurry up and finish this...

Cornelius:[Sniffles with a shotgun] MAN...It smells like a barrel of gun powder went off around here...

Eustace[Grumpy] It's about time...[Summoning a rocket launcher]

Ferdinand:[With a machine gun way too big for him] Let's do this!

George:[Drowsy. With a sniper rifle] Uh...Can we wrap this up quickly?...I barely slept...

12GS Members: You ghosts don't look so tough!

[The 11 remaining 12 Gun Slaughter Members charged at the 7 ghosts, only for them all to be taken down in a flash of astral ammunition]

ES:[Weakly] Holy...Crap...You guys...Are strong...[She nods off]

DD:[Wrapping her wound in a ghostly gauze while putting his submachine gun away] Try not to talk ma'am...Conserve your energy...But yes...We were the strongest wizards in Seven...Until...THEY killed us...

Axlerod, the Joyfully Operator...He always had the biggest grin on his face whenever we fought...

Bartholomew, the Bashful Tactician...He wasn't much for attention...Just for getting our missions done...

Cornelius, the Sneezing Scout...His sense of smell was, and still is, his greatest blessing...And curse...

Eustace, the Grumpy Combat Engineer...He was always irritated by just about everything...Especially enemies...

Ferdinand, the Reckless Gunner...His dopey-ass somehow didn't kill us...But he's a poet behind a turret...

And George, the Sleepy Sniper...He always forgets to sleep when he's not on watch...But by god he's the best damn shot from Seven...

And me...I'm Dexter...But everyone calls me Doc Dex...I know how to fix any wound as well as I know how to make them...

Blink:[Laughing maniacally] You think your clever Nidhogg?![He reloads his handgun with some special ammunition] This here is Atlantian Steel bullets...Even a freak like you can't survive them!

CG:[Dragon Force. Cocky] I'm sorry! Were you still here?!...Well...If you've got the balls to shoot me with priceless metal then pull the trigger motherfucker!


[The bullet struck Clayton right in the eye, but it didn't even phase him. It was nothing more than a nat flying towards his eye]

[Dragon Force] That's more annoying than deadly...



Blink:[Laughing maniacally] HUH!?!

[Before he shot at the girls, Clayton shared his Earth Dragon Force with his two allies. Leaving them unscathed]

CH:[EDragon Force] Looking at herself and Erza] What...What is this stuff?...

Gaedey:(This is Earth Dragon Force...While in this state Clayton is completely impervious to physical attacks...His magic and attack is also greatly boosted...)

Gednus:[However...Unlike other Dragon Forces, he can share his with others...This in turn takes more magic then if it were only for himself...But he's trained to share it with twelve others...)



[Blink was struck with an explosion bolt of lightning]

Rocco Canary:[With smoke coming from his hand] You've got to stop running into these assassins my friend!...

ES:[Conscious] You're...A wizard...?

RC:[Laughing] No no no, my friends!...I'm a god!

Everyone but Clay:[Shocked] HUH!?!

RC: Demigod, if you want to get technical...I can control nature like it's second nature to me!...OH![Laughing at his own joke] That's funny!...I'm funny!...

[As they were standing around, they were not aware of the gargantuan Koigokkoro Monitor approaching]

Koigokkoro Monitor:[Sad roar]

[The Seven Defenders all took point against the behemoth of a lizard]

CG:[Looking at the beast] Wait! Stand down!

[The Seven look back at Chico]

CH:[Caught off guard] OH!...Uhhh...What he said!

[The Seven stood down]

Koigokkoro Monitor:[Sorrowful roar](Translation) Lisa! Where are you!? Some scary guy grabbed me weeks ago and fed me yellow rocks and some murky, funny tasting water...Lisa!)

CG: Rocco...That's Mr. Kai!

RC: What?! Really?![He flew to get a better look at the beast's horns to see that they were purple at the tips] My pa! He is Mr. Kai!

Lisa Canary:[Running up to the colossal lizard] MR. KAI! It's you![She hugs one of his massive claws, thicker than the little girl. Crying] I thought I'd lost you forever!

Mr. Kai:[Nuzzles the little girl]

Villagers AWE!...

RC:[Greatful] Thank you three! Not only did you save this village, AND find all this Ore, but you found my daughter's beloved Mr. Kai!...Here![He opens an enormous chest full of jewels] As promised!

ES: Chico...Is this heaven...Because I've never seen so much jewels in all of my life...

CH: Same here...We can retire ten times over...

RC: If you think that's a lot, you should see how big Clayton's bank statement is...

Ladies&Seven:[Shocked] HOW RICH ARE YOU!?!

CG: That's not important...What is important is what Mr. Kai was talking about...I think he's talking about a Monster Tamer using these rabid beasts to make an army of gigantic Koigokkoro Dragons...Mr. Kai! Where was this "Scary guy"?

[Before they could get an answer, a group of gigantic Koigokkoro Monitors raced into the scene with a hooded figure on the largest lizard]

Hooded Figure: Tremble in fear, maggots! For I am the great Monster Tamer, Stampede! One of Eisenwald's top S-Class wizard! Now!...Beg for your lives as I have my scaled slaves ravage your pathetic lands and-Wait, wait, wait...What day is it today?

Ignado: July 6th...

Stampede: Really?! WOW!...I'm WAY too early for this...Damn...

Chief Jorge: Early for what?

Stampede: OH! Well if you must know, our Ace wizard has a plan to use the Demon Flute Lullab-Hey!...Why am I telling any of you?!

Ignado: Because you're in the middle of a monologue?!

Stampede: Good point, good point...Well basically once the flutes unsealed by Kageya-Hey! You did it again!

Ignado:[Clueless] Did what again?

Stampede:Well...You know....

Ignado: Hmmm...No...I don't think so...

Stampede: Well you...You....You....What did you do again?...What was I doing here?

Ignado: I don't know...I don't even know who you are...

Stampede: Well, that's easy! I'm the great and powerful...What did I call myself again...?

Ignado: I....Think...It had something to do with...Stamps?!

Stampede: No...That doesn't sound right...

CH:[To Jorge] What's going on?

CJ:[Answering] Mi hijo Ignado has ADHD...And it can be ensnaring for people of...Limited minds...

CH: Should we stop him?

CJ: ¿Mi hijo?

CH: ¡No! ¡Ese hombre!

CJ: Ah!...I see...Yes...It's probably for the best...

CH: Okay...Gorilena! Attack!

[The Koigokkoro Dragon soul, that Chico named Gorilena, darted towards the Dark Wizard. Knocking him to the ground with a loud smash]

Crowd:[Confused] Uhhhm...Thank you...?

CH: You're all welcome...I guess...

ES: What about the rest of these monsters?

CG: I've got this...Earth Priest: Purifying Petals![Clay had a swarm of petals emitted from his hands, then encircle the monitor in a whirlwind until they expelled the potions they were forced to consume via vomiting. Once freed, they began wandering around like passive beasts, grazing and looking for non-humanoid prey]

RC: As...I...Was saying...this is for you three...Now...Guards! Take these hooligans in!

[The guards cuffed and carried the defeated wizards and assassins into custody]

CJ: Well...Who's hungry?!

Everyone:[Cheering in approval]

CJ: Then let's eat! I'm cooking!

[Within an hour, the villagers brought together a feast that would be fit for royalty]

CJ:[Tapping his glass] Everyone!...I'd like to make a toast!...To Titania!...For saving us from that rabid monster!

Crowd:[Toasting] To The Fairy Queen!

Ignado:[Wheeling in a massive horn] And here! We all pitched in on decorating it!...And...If it's not too much to ask...Could you maybe give me your autograph?![Holding out a Sorcerer's Magazine: Fairy Tail's Last Edition]

ES: Of course!...Does anyone have a pen or something?

[Clay quickly creates and tosses a pen]

Thank you Clay...[She autographs a relatively blank page]

Ignado:[Looking at her autograph] WOW! Your autograph's beautiful!

ES:[Touched] Ah...Uhhh...Thank you!...How old are you anyways?

Ignado: Just turned 16 last month...And now for you two![He flips to another page]

[Chico and Clayton signed their names in respectively]

Thanks!...But...I think I'm going to forget your a girl chica...

CH:[Correcting] It's Chico...

LC: Oh! I've got a name![She rights down a name]

Ignado: Yeah...That'll work...

CH: What is it?

Ignado: It's...Nepht-Ooo! Chuletas![He walks off]

CH:[Wanting to stop him] Ah..Uhhh...Forget it...I'm hungry...[To the Seven Defenders] Good work you guys! And you too Gorilena!

[The Astrals thanked her, then phased into her crystal]

CG:[Further healing Erza's shoulder] There you go...That Doc Dex soul sure can heal well for a dead guy...But this should make it a bit better...And here![He hands Erza a splint of wood]

ES:[Grabs it with her right hand] What's this for?

CG:[Casting Scar Sap Spell] You'll see soon enough...[He rubs the sappy substance on her healing wound] ¡Oye! Ignado ¡Cubre las orejas de la niña! ¡Con rapidez!(Hey! Ignado! Cover the girl's ears! Quickly!)

[Ignado covers Lisa's ears a just in time]

ES:[In excruciating pain] AAAAAAAHHH!!! Goddamn motherfucker! You piece of shit! AAAAAAAHHH!!! Son of a bitch! Fucking cunt! Douche bag! Asshole fucking prick! AAAAAAAHHH!!! It fucking burns like a son of a bitch! AAAAAAAHHH!!![Mocking] YoU'lL sEe SoOn EnOuGh! GO TO HELL, CLAYTON! You freaky-eyed shit face...[She bites down hard on the wooden splint until the pain died down. Taking it out of her mouth] I'm sorry...That was unprofessional of me...Please forgive me...

CG: It's alright...I've been cussed out far worse by other people that I've put this on...

CH&Ignado: How can you be cussed out worst than that!?!

CH: When the insults get...Racial and ethnically incline...

CH&Ignado: ¡Maldición!(Damn!)

ES: All that cursing made me hungry...[She walks to dine on her feast]

CG: That makes all of us![He joins in with the feast]
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