
He would've slowed you down, you need to get to a hospital quickly. You're sorry things had to turn out that way, but you wanted to live. Suddenly, Rico drops you onto the ground, your leg now throbs horribly. "We're surrounded, we need to move." Rico says with a fearful voice. In the distance you see a figure that walks towards you slowly. They were terrible bloody and groaned, unable to form words. You still can't fully grasp what is happening. Rico had a bloody axe in his hand and held it up in a swinging position shaking violently. Both men on either side kept getting closer, one walking and the other crawling. Why would Rico hurt them further?
"Rico, I need to get to a hospital now, deal with these guys later." you say in intense pain, it's almost unbearable.
"Don't you get it yet? There are no more hospitals! These things aren't guys, there dead people idiot! They came back from the dead!" Rico shouts aggressively. Tears start to boil in his eyes, but wipes them away immediately, he knows he can't afford to screw up now.

-You realize the zombie apocalypse has started
-Rico trusts you less for not being able to deduce that the apocalypse has started
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