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The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Narrator: After enjoying their day the three wizards met up back at the Station.

Clay(ton) Grimm: *Chuckles* MAN! That was SO worth it!

Chico C Hammitt: Worth ghosting me when I needed help shopping?

CG: Oh shit! My bad...

CCH: Yeah, yeah, yeah...So how'd you do? You bomb really hard?!

CG: Hey! I didn't bomb! I had the place laughing their asses off!...Plus...[Lying] I got to me Corey Glover!

CCH:[Skeptical] Yeah...I'll take bullshit for 500...

CG:[Lying] I'm serious!

People: WOW! I can't believe Corey Glover came here to do stand-up! | And that song he performed was AMAZING!

CCH:[Shocked] Wait! You're serious!? He was here!?

CG: Yep! Got his latest album on a database chip![Handing one over to her.] Got one for you too!

CCH:[Slightly blushing] Thanks...For what it's worth, I wasn't alone shopping today...

CG: Really!? Did you make a friend?

CCH: For the most part...She's an adorable little preteen...Turns out, on top of having the people we came here with not help us with shopping, we found out we're both wizards...

CG: Really?!...What guild is she from?

CCH: Some guild called Cait's Shelter...

CG: Never heard of it...

CCH: Yeah? Well I've never heard about the Sorciers Sans Frontiéres until a couple of days ago...

CG: Fair point...So, what's her name?

[Before Chico could answer Erza came in, wearing something...Quite peculiar.]

Erza Scarlet:[In her newly acquired Strawberry "Armor"] Wow! That festival was amazing! It makes me wish for the Fantasia parade to come early to Magnolia...

CG&CH:[Shocked] What the hell are you wearing!?!

CG: *Sniffs* And why do you smell like a ton of fresh strawberries?

CH: Yeah...I'm starting to smell it too...

ES: That would be due to my Strawberry Armor...It has a strong scent of sweet strawberries...

CH: How much did it cost?

ES: Oh! It was free! Turns out I ended up entering a Strawberry Shortcake eating contest...I thought it was an all-you-can-eat Strawberry Shortcake buffet...Turns out I won...And they gave me this adorable Strawberry Sword! And this Strawberry Armor! I've been knighted as the Knight of the Strawberries! Isn't that cool!?

CH: I'm no expert armorer, but I don't think that's armor...

CG: Believe me...It's not...It's just a costume drenched in strawberry perfume...


[Mistaking perfume for parfume. A flashback of Ichiya invaded Erza's mind, causing her to be instinctively defensive. Drawing the sword to Clay's jugulars]


CH:[Scared] EEEP!

CG:[Unphased. He snatches the sword from Erza's grip, then bent the sword like a pretzel] This sword is terribly made...Probably ceremonial...[He Reforges it into a more suitable blade.] And that "Armor" won't protect you from nothing...Not even a fly...

ES: Oh yeah! And why's tha-*KYAH!!!!*

[Clayton shoved Erza to the ground. Unable to get the proper leverage to pick herself up, she flopped and rolled around like a fool.]

Alright...You've made your point...Can you please help me out now?

[Clayton and Chico helped bring Erza to her feet.)

Thank you...[She Dequips the costume and Requips her battle fatigues.]

CH: So...How we gonna get to Lancaster? Carriage ride?

CG: No...Follow me...

[They follow Clay to a small dead-end in the back of the town hall.]

CH: Why'd you bring us to this place?

ES: I'd like to know as well...

CG:[Pulling out his SSF dog tag] Just watch![He approached the wall, slotting the dog tag into a hidden scanner.]

[After scanning his tag, a Surveillance Lacrima appeared on the upper section of the wall, scanning Clayton to confirm his identity.]

Magic Door: Identity confirmed. Clayton L. Grimm. Nidhogg Alpha. Drake of Earth. Access granted.[A secret door revealed a hidden elevator.]

Ladies:[In awe] Wow!

Magic Door:[Locks down elevator] Alert! Unrecognized individuals in dangerous proximity![Out comes a firing squad worth of Magic Turrets were targeting Erza and Chico.] Termination in 10 seconds!


CG: Override! Subject: Associates. Number: 2. Passcode: 3110X764-0707X777! Disengage defenses and lockdown!

Magic Door: Override successful. Welcome associates![The elevator was opened up again. As well as the turrets returning.]

CG:[Apologizing] Sorry about that ladies! Come on! Let's go!

Ladies:[Cautiously] Okay...

[The elevator took them well below Oshibana.]

What is this place?!

CG: One of the SSF's outposts...Did you really think we'd have no places to do our work? If you want to get technical, the SSF has the most locations compared to any guild imaginable!...Other than some overt properties in each nation's capital, we primarily use these for safe havens...Matter of fact, I'm currently building an output in Magnolia... Let's just say the Magic Council loves us...Were like their covert wizard saints...

ES: So...We spending a night here?

CG: Oh no no no...We're just grabbing a ride...[He walks over to a garage to reveal six MATVs.]

Ladies:[Amazed] Woah!

ES: Shotgun!

CH: Damn it!

[After loading their stuff into their MATV's trunk, Clayton drove it to the lift to elevate it from a separate lift just outside of the elevator they took.]

CG: Next stop, Koigokkoro!
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