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The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Chico C Hammitt:[At a lost for words] R-really?!

Clay(ton) Grimm: Yeah...I did promise to go out on a job with you…

CCH:[Slightly blushing] Yeah…[More confidently] Yeah!...YOU DID!

Master Makarov Dreyar: Please...I care not about the money...All I ask is for a rock of it...In honor of my father…

CG: We can do that Old Man…

CCH: Well...We should head out to get ready…

CG:[Agreeing] Yeah...We should meet up at the station in an hour or two…

CCH: Sounds good!

[After a few hours, Clay met Chico at Magnolia Station]

CCH:[Pulling quite a bit of luggage] Now…[Looking around] Where IS he...I hope he didn't leave me behind...What am I think, of course he left me behind…

CG:[With a Giga-Pack. Tapping her on the shoulder] Now why would I leave you behind?

CCH:[Surprised] Oh!...Your here...Still waiting for me…

CG:[Awkwardly] Yyyeah...That's kind of what we agreed on…

CCH: Oh! Right!...Sorry...I'm just used to people leaving me behind on jobs…

CG: Remind me not to go out with THOSE people…[Looking at her luggage] You sure you need that much?...This whole job should only take half a week…

CCH:[Explaining] Actually, I only packed for about a week...It's mostly just empty room…[Awkward pause] I'M PLANNING ON DOING SOME SHOPPING, OKAY!

CG:[Hands up] It's fine!...At least you aren't as packed as a certain wizard…

CCH:[Knowing who he's talking about] Yeah...I'm not that crazy!...Don't tell Erza I said that...Seriously! She'll probably kill me!

CG: My lips are sealed…[Digging in his bag] But here![Pulls out a spare Giga-Pack. Handing it to Chico] Use this!

CCH:[Examining it] What is it?

CG: A Giga-Pack! It allows you to store as much stuff as you need with it's own limitless pocket dimension…Hell, I probably should give one to Erza…

CCH:[Chuckling] Yeah...She'd need one more than me…

[After helping Chico put all her stuff in the backpack, their train was ready to depart. Boarding on, they didn't talk much about the job, but more about the shopping district in Onibus.]

Narrator: Arriving at Onibus…

CG:[Stepping out] All right...We've got two hours to kill until our train comes...That enough time to do your shopping?

CCH:[Stepping out] Barely…I might be able to do it with someone to shop with…

CG: Alright!...Gve me 20 minutes and I'll meet you up![Walks off]

CCH:[Shouting] Hey, wait! Shouldn't we pick a place to meet up?!

CG:[Shouting back] It's all good! I'll find you!

[They went their separate ways for a while. After about 20 minutes, Clayton found Chico via his extraordinary senses.]

CG: There you are! Am I too late?

CCH: You didn't come soon enough…I'm stuck deciding between these two dresses...Which one should I get?

CG:[Thinking] Hmmm...Tough choice between warm and cool colors...Why not just get both?

CCH: Because I'm not made of jewels!...

CG: Fair enough...I'll pay for them both!

CCH:[Surprised] Huh!?!...You don't need to do that! I'm not your girlfriend!

CG: Yeah...Your not...If you were you'd have picked one by yourself…It's not a big deal! Besides...I still owe you money for not beating Cana that drink-off…

CCH: Huh!?

CG:[Whispers] I know you betted on me winning…

CCH:[Blushing] Fair enough…

[After Chico's short shopping spree, they headed back to Onibus Station to catch their ride to Kunugi.]

CG:[Noticing the crowd of people] Huh?![Asking someone] Hey! What's going on here?

Stranger 1: The rail line to Oshibana Station is closed! Something about maintenance…

CCH:[Asking] How long's it been closed?

Stranger 1: Two day...

CCH&CG:[Shocked] Two days!?!

Stranger 1: Yeah![Shouting] I want a refund!

CG: DAMN IT! We're supposed to be heading to Lancaster*!

Stranger 1: Yeah! And I'M supposed to be heading to Clover…

CCH: Well...At least I can go shopping without worrying about being late for the train…

Stranger 1: That's all good for you...But I've got to head to Clover for an important conference…

Stranger 2: I think she's got the right idea! We should take advantage of this delay!

Stranger 1: Come on Bob! We're all the way out here to attend this stupid meeting…

Stranger 2: I know...Probably should have taken Christina…

CG:[Quietly] Wait...Bob?...Christina?...

Stranger 3: If you'd have shown up in that stupid Magic Bomber, I'd spin you until your wings fell off!

CCH:[Confused] Spin your wings off?

Stranger 4: Now, now Ooba...Don't be hostile...Your just jealous because your guild doesn't have the magicalweaponry like ours do…

Stranger 3:[Pissed off] You wanna go José?! I'll spin your wings off right now!

CG&CCH:[Quietly] Ooba?...José?...Wait!...
[In unison] You four are guild masters!

Stranger 1: How'd you figure out?

Stranger 2,3&4:[To Clay] Wait...You look familiar…[Realizing] Clayton Grimm?!

Stranger 1: You three know this guy?!

Stranger 4: I forgot your weak little guild doesn't know about the Sorciers Sans Frontiéres…

Stranger 1: Hey! Who's guild you calling weak?!

Stranger 3: Calm down the both of you, before I spin you into the ground!...Goldmine...Have you heard of The Drakes of Heaven and Earth?

Master Goldmine: Yeah…Of course I did Ooba…Tempestas and Nidhogg...

Master Ooba Babasaama:[Pointing to Clayton] He's Nidhogg…

MG:[Confused] Wait!..I thought Nidhogg was a cute girl…

Stranger 4:[Chuckles]

MG: What's so funny, Porla?!

Master José Porla: Nidhogg is the wizard name of Clayton...But it's also the Team name of him, his sisters...And sometimes Griffin…Tempestas is the wizard name of Victoria F. Marvell...A powerful Storm Mage...Just as he is a powerful Earth Mage…

Master Bob: Yeah! And their whole guild is full of adorable wizards…

MOB:[To Chico] I don't recognize you...You a new member of the SSF?

CCH: Oh, no! I'm from Magnolia...I'm part of Fairy Tail-[Lying] I mean I work at the Fairy Tail guild hall…

MJP: Magnolia...Such a beautiful town...Too bad Fairy Tail stains it's beauty…

MB: Hey! Don't talk about Fairy Tail like that! They're filled with wonderful wizards...So cute and scrumptious![Looking at Chico] And if the rest of their staff is half as cute as you and Mira, adorable!

CCH:[Blushing uneasily] Thanks...I guess...

MG:[To Clayton] So...You heading to Lancaster?

CCH: We both are.

MOB: Oh...Are you both on the same job?

CG:[Half-lying] No no no! We both just have the same destination…

CCH: Yeah! That's right![Lying] Mira ordered some booze from Lancaster a week ago and it hasn't arrived yet! So she asked me to check up on it!

MJP: And you Clay?

CG: Oooh...I just got some mining to do…[To Goldmine] And before you ask...It's not gold…

MG:[Mumbling. Lying] I wasn't gonna ask that…

CG: I'm mining Orichalcum...

Guild Masters:[Shocked] Orichalcum!?!


CG: Rocco Canary…

MJP: He did!?...Then it must be true...DAMN IT! If it weren't for this idiotic conference, I'd join you...Just tell Rocco to leave a few kilos for me…

CG: Will do!...If we even get there…

MOB: Yes...This delay has lasted two day too many...Hold on! Maybe you could speed up the process!

CG: I was thinking the same thing…

CCH: What?! But I thought you'd help me with my shopping?!

MOB. Don't worry my girl...I'll help you out with your shopping…

MB: Ooo! Count me in too!

CCH:[Unsure] Ummm...Wait…

MOB: Don't worry your blonde little head!...I was one of the first female models on Sorcerer's Magazines when it started...I made SO many men wanting for me...[Reminiscing] Ahh...Those were the days…

MB: Yeah! And I was quite the looker back in the day as well!

[They drag off Chico into the town of Kunugi]

MJP: So...What's with the girl?

CG: Huh?

MJP: Don't play dumb...Juvia told everyone you and Victoria were a couple years ago…

CG: Damn...For a gloomy girl, she sure can gossip...Anyways...She broke up with me...Last month…

MJP: Really?...That's hard to process...You two made an excellent couple...Juvia's going to be devastated…

CG: Please don't tell her…

MJP: I won't...Just hope Victoria does the same...Because Juvia and the rest of the (Element) Four already should be in Crocus…

[Meanwhile, In Crocus]

Juvia Lockser:[Entering the apartment of the SSF] Drip, drip, drop!...

Victoria Marvell:[Whistles back her response]

[The two female wizards glare at each other's eyes]

VM&JL:[Hugging each other] The Storm Sisters are back again!

NinjaHound13: They're really good friends.

[Back at Kunugi Station]

CG: Welp!...Gentlemen!...I'm gonna see about speeding things along…[He phases into the ground, heading towards Oshibana Station]

[After half an hour of traveling north, Clayton came upon an odd scene.]

CG: Hmmm…[Clay looks at the tracks. Noticing they were turned to swiss cheese by a deep slashing motion.] These cuts are too clean and uniformed to be from an animal or monster…[Getting a better look] It can't be a sword or something like that...Angle's off…[He tastes the cut] Definitely steel...And I'm getting wiffs of Wind Magic…

Lahar:[Shouting at Clayton] You there! Stop!

CG: Oh, shit…

[Lahar approaches Clayton]

Lahar: This area is under investigation...Hands up and we won't have any…[Recognizes Clayton] Nidhogg?!

CG: Lahar?

Both:[Shaking hands] How you doing!? [Answering] Good!

Lahar: What are you doing here?

CG:[Rhetorically] What's it look like…?...Trying to figure out what the hell's up with the delay to Oshibana...Whoever did this, did it for a reason…

Lahar: To stop someone from getting to Oshibana?

CG: Maybe...But maybe to make sure all their targets are accounted for...Anyways...I need to get this fixed…[He repaired the lacerated tracks] It's been good seeing you Lahar…[He phases into the ground, heading back to Kunugi.]

[A mere two hours after Clay left to repair the tracks, he returned]

CG:[Rising from the ground] Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long...The tracks were sashimied ¾’s of the way to Oshibana…

MG: Sashimied!? Someone sabotaged them?

CG: Seems so…

MJP: This can't be good...The conference might be compromised...Then again...If a pitiful Dark Guild thinks It can take out the Magic Guild leaders in Fiore...They've better have the brains, bronze, and boons to do so…

MG: Don't jinx us Jose…

CG: Well...We should expect a promising announcement soon...I'm gonna head into town and see if my friend needs a hand…[He walks off into town]
[Using his extraordinary senses] Now...Where are you…

*Lancaster:Medium-sized region divided into three districts. The mining and hunting village to the west called Gednuyama. The fertile farmland plains to the east called Gaedheiya. And the urban city of Koigokkoro dividing them in the middle.
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