Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Clay(ton) Grimm:...I'll stay the night...

CA:[Shock] Wait! Really!?

CG:[Puzzled] Huh?...You seem really surprised...

CA: I...I honestly didn't think that would work...

CG: It is getting real late...So...Guess I'll take your couch and...

CA:[Interrupting] We can share my bed...It's got enough room for the both of us...

CG: Easy for you to say...I'm used to sleeping on a Fiore-King bed...[Instead of California-King bed]

CA: Don't be so finicky...It's a Queen...

CG: Mind if I get a bit comfortable?

CA: Sure...Get as comfortable as you want...

CG: Okay thirsty...[He strips only to his briefs]


CA:[Gawking] Woah!...Clay...Your clothes...

CG: Sorry...Probably a bit too much...

CA: No...You should keep them off...You can pull off that look...Unlike Gray...

[Meanwhile, In Fairy Tail]

Gray Fullbuster: 😒

Mirajane Strauss: Is something wrong Gray?

GF: I don't know...I've got a feeling someone's talking crap about me...

Natsu Dragneel: I bet everyone talks about how crappy you are!

[Gray and Natsu begin to bicker again]

[Back at Cana's place]

CA: Hey, Clay?

CG: Yeah?

CA: I think you have a growth...Wait...[It took her a moment to realize it's not a growth, it's his wand 😉]
Woah! What the...?!

CG: What's wrong?...It's not like you don't have any experience with...You know...

CA:[Lying] Uhhhm...Of course I do!...

CG: Wait...Are you...A virgin?

CA:[Defensive. Lying] No!...I've got a few notches on my belt...

CG: Oh...My...God...You ARE a virgin!

CA: Oh yeah! And like your not!?

CG:[Laughs hysterically] No!...Lost that shit three years ago!...

CA: Serious?!...Wait...To your Ex?!

CG: Yeah...First time was...Awkward...But we got a lot better at it...


CG: Everything alright?!

CA: It's just...I don't think I'll find any man...Or even woman...That I'll...Experience that with...

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