In The Dark

He was limping toward the castle hidden from sight. You could tell by the look on his face that he was in terrible pain. Feeling like he can go no further he slumped against a large tree almost knocked out.

"Man you look like you went through hell and back" retorted a voice.

"Who are you"he grimmanced.

"Oh just an ordinary forest elf"it continued.

"Perfect"Sukasa mumbled trying to find him.

"You should see the look on your face, Priceless"the elf laughed. "looks like you could use some help."

"Like you can help me"he groaned.

"Me can, me can"he laughed peeping his head out of the trees, his lime eyes matched his olive green skin, but man was he bald.

"May I ask how"he pondered.

He hopped right out of the tree and landed bu Sukasas' feet "Me can give you more power, and a really nice weapon" he continued. "But it will come with a price"

"Let me guess, some gold coins"he grwled

"Nope your mortality"he laughed heartily.

"My what"he gauked.

"I can trade a humans mortality for more magic for me"he continued"but you'll be alive of course just emortal"

"In that case, you can have it"he smiled. This will help me alot he thought.

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