One Way Out

"We're going to die sooner or later so might as well," you told her.
"If you're going to do that, I'm sure there's a first aid kit somewhere," she looked around and grabbed the purple first aid kit that was customary of our school. "Idiot," she said and laughed, "I'm kidding."
You opened the case and grabbed the bandages, antiseptic, a medium gauze, and painkillers. You downed the painkillers in a quantity that may be a little too much for you but you needed them for what you were about to do. You waited a couple minutes and pulled out the knife. The pain was dulled but you could still feel its strength. You gasped as it was fully removed and blood spewed everywhere. It wasn't too big of a knife. The knife cluttered to the ground and Emma grabbed it, holding it up to the lighter.
The antiseptic was ointment and you decided to pour the bleach over your leg first. You couldn't help but to cry out as the bleach stung your leg. You applied a generous helping of antiseptic and Emma handed you the knife, eyeing you nervously.
"No going back," you tell her and pressed the knife to your leg. You screamed at the pain as it consumed your entire being. You unconsciously removed the knife from wound but Emma pressed your hand back down. Black started creeping along the edges of your vision and Emma had to finish the rest of the procedure. When you regained consciousness, your leg was bandaged firmly and Emma was leaning against the wall, looking like she had seen a ghost.
"You're still alive!" she exclaimed.
Suddenly the door opened and Emma Aaron peeked in.

You have 1 choice:

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