
Sadness fills your soul. That sadness turns to rage. You pick yourself up as anger flashes across your face. After a few useless attempts of hitting the woman, she returns to mentally torturing you. The guard can hear your screams from his post outside the door, and he flinches when he hears you yelp in pain. He bursts into the room to help you fight. You look him, a thankful expression painted on your face. The two of you start fighting the lady together, but she stops you both. "The three of us know very well that I can kill you both in about two minutes," the woman continued menacingly, “so let’s make a deal. One of you dies. I’ll spare one of you and only one. Who’s it going to be?” You look at the guard. Just as you’re about to sacrifice yourself, you hear home yell, “Me!” You look at him with tears in your eyes, and he gives you a small smile. The woman mercilessly enters his head, as she did with you before, and he goes insane. She pulls out a knife, and she kills him, swiftly removing his head from his body. You hear the woman’s voice, “You better get out before I decide to kill you too.” You rush out of the room, preparing yourself for the next challenge.

You have 1 choice:

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