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Prison Breakout

As you walk down the dark hallway covered with cells, you begin to slightly panic. But then another part of you feels revlieved that you’re no longer with Freddy. Now the gigantic door stands in front of you. This is the door every one of the prisoners fear.
This is Warden Clark’s door.
If you get sent here, you’re in for the worst trouble.
“I’m here today.” Clark declared in his over-sized chair, “to discuss your attempt to break out of prison.”
A gulp escapes your breath as you regretfully admit the truth, “yeah, I did it.”
The warden gives a surprised look, “Oh, I was not expecting that honesty.”
“Maybe he’ll let me free,” the quiet thought lingers in your mind.
The Warden then stands up, “You are sentenced to sixty more days in your current cell, no matter the circumstances that may be occurring with your roommate.”


You have 1 choice:

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