The Thief's Tale

You end up calling your best friend Paul to ask him for help. You are confident that your plan will work, and you know that Paul will have your back no matter what.
The next day, you successfully earn the worker's trust by flirting with her.
"Are you from Tennessee? Because you are the only ten I see!" You smile charmingly, and watch as she blushes.
"Sophie," the bank manager calls, "come here for a second."
As she walks away from you and toward the manager, Sophie winks and coos, "Hold on, sir. I will be right back."
Once Sophie is gone, you sneak behind the counter and access her computer. You finally manage to find the password to the main vault. Blood pounding with excitement, you sneak through the door leading to the vaults. You briskly walk down the dark hallway lined with tall steel doors, trying to stay silent as you search for the main vault. When you finally arrive before the steel vault door, your hand trembles as you type in the code. When the door beeps and opens, your heart is pounding in your chest. You can barely believe it. Your plan is almost complete.
You step into the vault, and your heart stops. The walls are lined with shelves, and each shelf is filled to the brim with stacks of 100 dollar bills. Never in your entire life have you seen such wondrous riches! You slowly venture further into the vault, your fingers brushing the money. A million thoughts fill your mind of the endless possibilities of what you could do with the thousands of paper bills.
Suddenly, the beep of your phone wakes you from your daydream. A text from Paul pops up, and it reads:
Police are here. I'm distracting them. Hurry up and get out of here.
You stuff your phone back into your pocket and immediately begin shoving as much money as you can into your bag. The reality of the situation suddenly hits you. You are committing a serious crime, and the police are practically outside the door. The odds are against you, but that won't stop you from trying.

You have 1 choice:

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