One Way Out

You stopped walking and held your breath. The footsteps were down F Hall, behind Anna, towards the commons. You peeked around the corner and saw Anna reading her book, oblivious to the sound. Brandon walked out from the other end of the hall and Anna quickly closed her book.
Brandon looked crazed. Anna scrambled from her locker and ran towards me. She tripped over her discarded book and fell to the ground. Brandon grabbed her by her neck and lifted her completely off the ground. Anna struggled against his grip and kicked at him. Brandon laughed at this pathetic show and threw her against the vending machines.
Anna got off the ground and tried to run again, but Brandon grabbed her arm and pulled her back so hard that she fell back onto the floor. Brandon's sneaker went up, and then drove itself into her throat, crushing it completely. Brandon kept his foot down until Anna's spasms stop.
You turn around to run and hear Emma Aaron say "Truce?". Brandon's killed so many, no wonder Emma wants an alliance with him.
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