Soviet Head Leadership

You are looking for another Soviet base that is around the country. You take out a small map that was in the passengers compartment. It marks a few bases but you do not know whether the bases have been decommissioned because it is an old map. You guess that one is still up and you go to it. You are flying in the air and you can see the top of the base. The rest is covered in deep white snow. You try to land the plane but the snow makes it pretty difficult. You make a small crash land. The snow makes your wheels fly off and you get ejected from the pilots seat. You look back at your plane and you see that it is in ruins. You go up to the base and slam your hand on the door. You hear nothing for a while. Then you hear a loud noise coming from inside. Someone looks through a small hatch in the door. They wonder who you are. Then they see the presidential seal of the Soviet's on you. They salute immediately and open the door for you to step inside. As you walk in there is a row of troops that salute you. One of them walk up to you, "What happened sir? Why are you here?" You reply, "The capitol has been compromised we must continue the godly Soviet legacy from here." He replies, "Yes Sir."

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