Future Problems

While running out of Bourger King, Mr Herbert says "Get out! Quick, come with me there's no time to explain!" Like the normal human being you are, drastic things jump in your mind, such as one of the portals that brings you your burger is going to explode. While you're running out of Bourger King with the manager, Herbert says " We might be able to survive if we hide." Then flashbacks come to your mind. Last time this sort someone said what Herbert said there was a zombie apocalypse, but considering that was in a simulation, you aren't sure what's going on. While thinking about what has happened in the past Herbert yells "Don't look behind you, I know you have epilepsy just don't look!" You curl up into a ball and lie down on the pavement outside. Before you know it, there is a ton of flashing lights in your face triggering your epilepsy and you suddenly go unconscious.
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