Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Quome: Infinite

The Treecko gave a small nod and stepped away from the counter. "You're new here, aren't you? At least, I've never seen you before. And you know what that means?" Hopefully this wasn't something bad. The Treecko gave a hint of a smile on his bulbous face and leaned back against one of the shelves. "When someone new comes here, we like giving them a souvenir if they're temporary, or a starting item if they're here to stay. So, you can take one item, free of charge! What would ya like?"

That was sudden. You take a look over the items on the wall. Three items caught your attention; the dragoness statue, what looked like a small, golden honeypot, and a flat, silver stone about the size of your palm. Sure, helmets and armour could work.. if they weren't made for smaller creatures, likely other Pokemon. And a shortsword. Take your pick~
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