D&D Foraging Skill Challenge - Chult Coast

To find something edible, you're better off searching the Jungle floor. You've already spotted several mushrooms, roots, and bugs that look edible.

Each player must pick from one of the skills below and roll a personal skill check.

You may use the following skills when looking for food near the jungle floor:
- Medicine
- Nature
- Insight
- Animal Handling

Average the rolls (round down) across each player's skill checks and click the appropriate result below.

Sara's best option is a +2 to Insight and rolls 13 for a skill check result of 15.
Joe's best option is +0 to Nature and rolls a 2 for a skill check result of 2.
Rose's best option is +5 to Medicine and rolls a 12 for a skill check result of 17.
The average result for this check is 15+2+17 = 34 / 3 players = 11
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