Touhou: Animism of Expansion EX


Sakuya sighed, bringing a hand to her face to pinch the bridge of her nose. She was here.

"Ah," Patchouli said. "Hello Koakuma. You've been away quite a bit." Ken turned around, and saw a flying succubus with red hair along with bat wings: on both her head and on her back. She had a very happy and playful air around her.

"Sorry~, was out for a bath is all! A girls need a path every now and then! Oh!" Koakuma noticed the tall plump human and inspected him, fluttering around him.


Koakuma's reply was a poke to his tummy, making Ken groan a bit. "H-Hey..."

"Wow! That's cushy!" Mentioned the succubus, intriuged by Ken's marshmallow tummy. "Can I play with it?"

Before Ken could answer, Sakuya stepped in. "Ken here is not a toy, but a familiar. His work is devoted to Lady Pathchouli, not to spend wasteful time. Understood?"

Koakuma huffed.

"So then...want me to start cooking for you all?" He asked. His answer was a growl in the tummy of Patchouli.

"Yes. Lets."
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