
"Halt!" you cry out, foolishly. Being so close to the Horsemaster, your voice carries power, so nearly everyone in the market stops. Embarrassed, but sitting erect on your saddle to hide it, you approach the woman you saw. To your surprise, it is Lucia! She is just as surprised to see you, so the two of you abandon the market and head towards the castle. You walk alongside Cyoa so that the two of you can catch up the past year.
When the Raptors took you away with the bandits, Lucia was set free, but found that her father had been killed in the attack and the village burned. With nothing left, she headed east and found a new life in Hoofdown. Now she works for a local apothecary, selling plants and herbs that she grows in an extensive garden.
While you are still talking, a messenger rides at full gallop to meet you.
"Outlander! There is a great danger. The Horsemaster needs you!"
You jump onto the saddle, pulling Lucia behind you, and you race to the castle.

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