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Gensomaden Saiyuki

You sit with Goku."Hi!" he said."Can you cook?" you were startled by this question but answered."Why,yes.My family are all chefs,so I can cook very well."
"*Yatta! can you cook for me?" he asked,his golden eyes shining.You giggled."Umm..sure." Suddenly,Goku got hit by Sanzo.

"Kono baka saru*!" he yelled."Mind your manners!" Goku rubbed his head and moaned."Ow..its hurts.." Goku said.You smiled.

Suddenly,Hakkai reached a fork."Oh my,which way are we gonna go? The Local Village? or The Dark Village?"

*Yatta means yay or hurray in japanese

*kono baka saru is you stupid monkey in japanese.
You have to get used to this,cuz' I'm gonna write a bit of japanese now and then ^__^
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